So, Yesterday...
I had a little bit of the ennui. The Sad. The "I don't want to go anywhere, do anything, or smile, so stop talking to me."
I feel a little better this morning.
I think it's the approach of Fall.
My mood works in direct proportion to the seasons.
Fall and then Winter.
I feel a little better this morning.
I think it's the approach of Fall.
My mood works in direct proportion to the seasons.
Fall and then Winter.
What can we - your loyal readers - do to help, Loco?
Ooh, how about a PayPal link in your blog that sends money directly to your therapist in your name?
That way, as we move from concerned about your well-being... to terrified that we're on some hit list you're compiling... the more time you get on the couch to work through it!
(please let me not be on the hit list, please let me not be on the hit list)
Bad, BAD ennui! Wicked, bad, naughty, evil ennui! Ooh, ennui can be wicked. And we here at Castle Anthrax have but one penalty for ennui. You must tie ennui on a bed and spank it. (A spanking! A spanking!)
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