Tuesday, November 20, 2007

OK, Lookit.

I suffer during my period just as much as the next person...possibly a little more than some, and I'm here to tell you that the prospect of "eliminating menstruation" via birth control is just more than a little creepy.

Unfortunately, the internets have let me down as I can't find anything truly conclusive one way or another...
But I did see in Cosmopolitan (you know, THE authority on women's health "guys aren't as interested in blowjobs as you might think") a blurb that actually said: (paraphrased)
"Women aren't meant to have periods every month. Early women didn't have as many periods because they were either pregnant or breast feeding. So, all these periods are unnatural."

I don't even know where to start with that. I mean, on the one hand, it's saying that a perfectly natural function is unnatural...but it's also saying that women kinda should be pregnant more often. What side of the Feminist Fence is this riding?

I did read that theses menstruation cessation pills make testosterone less available. For those playing along at home, Testosterone is what turns us on and makes us feel things during the sex. I don't know about you people, but I have enough trouble as it is. Who in their right mind would think that I'd want to mess with my Libido?

AND add to that, Lybel (the current drug on the market) was only tested on 300 women for 1 year. AND 41% of women report unpredictable breakthrough bleeding that can be as heavy as a regular period.
So...all those women bitching about ruining clothes and stuff... rather than kind of KNOW when you're gonna start bleeding, you'd like to play the ponies and dream groovy dreams about a life period-free while unbeknownst to you, those white pants you're wearing are rapidly becoming a highschool hallway nightmare.
Ok, that makes all KINDS of sense.

I dunno. The witch in me is absolutely horrified by the glamorization of stopping one of the most womanly things a woman does.
However, the curled-up-in-a-ball-once-a-month-feeling-like-someone-set-fire-to-my-insides girl in me says "HURRAY!"

I haven't been on the pill in years.


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