Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Can't Stop Now, it's Bush Country!

Well well well.

Work today is somber. I'm hearing talk of Armageddon, the End of Days, the Apocalypse. Good Lord. Although, I suppose, the Republicans would be saying the same thing if the outcome were different. People, it would be the end of days if NADER wins. Sheesh.


How I Spent My Election Day: By LC Greenwood

Monday night I took the Metra out to my mom's house, as I'm still registered in Glenview. About 20 minutes into an otherwise comfortable ride, accompanied by a new Dar Williams CD I had treated myself to...the train started rocking in a rather alarming way. Well, alarming for me, as I don't regularly ride the Metra. And then it hit me like a jealous husband:
"Holy shit. I am on a passenger train. During Rush Hour the night before the Election. Oh my God it's Madrid all over again! We're all going to die!".

Well, clearly, we didn't, and I made it to my mother's safely.

Now, it's always tradition for me to hook up with my old Glenview buddies (the ones not married with kids), and hit the Glenview House. So, I made a call, got my friend Computer Lawyer Guy on the phone, and made plans to meet up later.

Went home, ate a fantastic dinner, compliments of MOM. Then my DAD, after talking to my mom about the birthday stuff this weekend asks to talk to me.
Dad:"Who are you voting for?"
Me:"I'm not telling you. I've made my decision, and it's my personal private business."
Dad:"You're voting for Bush aren't you?"
Dad: "Well, you're insane...*insert totally unexpected parental political tirade the likes of which I usually only hear from my mom*.
Me:"Ok, well, I'm not changing my mind."
Dad: "Ok, let's change the subject".
And we did.
But damn, that was weird. But not unexpected I suppose, since most of my Liberal loved ones have been jumping on me since the primaries...

My mom and I then decided to watch "Love Actually" which was a perfect choice given the climate of the coming days... After the movie, Computer Lawyer Guy picked me up and off we went to G House. My announcement upon entering the bar:

"It's Monday night in Glenview. Let's get shitcanned!" (I've just finished reading a Janis Joplin biography and it scares me how much this phrase sounds like her...)

I was half kidding, we closed the bar, and the night ended with me making him stop the car in front of a park I used to frequent as a child (where I actually first became friends with Computer Lawyer Guy) and proceeded to take off into the woods to see the old bike trails. I have issues. Then off to his house. Damn you Red Bull. Damn you to hell.

*insert Laura up to no damn good here*

The next day, I woke to face election day. Slowly.
Made some coffee and got dressed to make the trek to the polling place. I went outside to start my car (which has been sitting in stasis in my mother's driveway since July) only to find her dead. No juice. So, back to the house to put another layer on so I can walk, and realize that I have locked myself out of the house. Awesome. Now, for those that know the house in Glenview, you know there's ALWAYS a way in. And there was. It involved some fence hopping, some shoe removal, balcony climbing etc, but I made it inside.

Ok, so, grabbed the keys, a sweater, my walkman, and started the walk to the polling place in Valley Lo. There was something noble about WALKING to cast my vote. Like I was some suffragette (sic) exercising my DAMN RIGHT TO DAMN VOTE! Yeah, that was cool until about 10 minutes before getting there my mom pulled up and drove me the rest of the way.

We voted together. I gave the old ladies a hard time about numbering our sheets wrong. I think I freaked 'em out. It was a true mother/daughter bonding moment.

And then it was back to the house where I proceeded to almost kill myself with the new vacuum and then ended up breaking it rolling over a bolt in the middle of the carpet. Yeah. A bolt. I don't know either.

Two illegally burned CD's later (one a compilation of all my favorite early 90's power ballads I've named "Big Hair, Big Ballads), I was back on the L on my home bearing 50 pounds of leftover Halloween candy.

The End.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least now you and Alan Keyes have something in common.

You both got screwed on November 2nd. In an area of the world you haven't spent much time in lately. By a computer lawyer guy.

9:23 AM  

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