Wednesday, August 31, 2005

On a more Somber Note

Thoughts and Prayers to those devestated by that bitch Katrina. I can't even begin to fathom what it's like. But I can comment on the looting. That's classy. Seriously. Especially the looting of other people's homes. That's awesome. and yeah, please, justify it by saying it's payback for years of oppression. And then burn for it you selfish sons of bitches. And before I get any leftists yammering about lack of food and whatnot, last I checked you can't eat jewelry or appliances. So, shut it.


Blogger Jack W. Orf said...

So far as I know, leftists are not in favor of looting. I just went thru Katrina Lite down here in Florida. Even though I'm left-of-center, I can assure that I would shoot any looter stealing anything from me. Without hesitation.

However, I think that you need to be honest with yourself. You were complaining bitterly about having to wait for a train at Ravinia. All I can say is "boo hoo. poor baby.". Imagine that you were in New Orleans and you didn't have a car to evacuate.

The authorities told you to go to the stadium. So you went to the stadium, with 15,000 other poor suckers. You're sitting in a domed stadium, in sub-tropical heat, for 3 days with no a/c, no running water and toilets that don't work. Which doesn't stop 15,000 people from shitting in them anyway. So it doesn't smell too good.

You have gone thru the horrifying experience of several hours of 140 MPH winds that have punched holes in the dome and rained down rafters on the people below, with no guarantee whatsoever that the whole fucking thing might just collapse on 15,000 people, which it might have done in a couple more hours.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you just lost your home, lost your car and lost your job. Oh yeah, you also just lost your city, too.

You wake up at 6:00 AM and guess what? No Chicago. Every building in the entire city is either seriously damaged or destroyed, and the water is anywhere from a foot to 20 feet deep. Oh yeah, something broke and Lake Michigan has been draining into the city for the last 3 days.

Under these circumstances, can you guarantee to me that you would not loot a store that everyone else was looting, in order to get something of value?

You should also note that none of these store owners are present, or will be present any time soon. Most of the stores are total loses anyway.

So can you guarantee me that even tho you haven't eaten anything for 3 days, you would rather just walk by that store and let everything rot rather than looting it?

So I don't justify looting,
and I would unhesitatingly kill anyone who looted from me, but I'm getting really annoyed listening to comfortable, well-fed people sitting in their nice dry air-conditioned homes, with plenty of food and plenty of water and plenty of dry clothes and cars and jobs and a functional city filled with restaurants and movie theatres.

And all these people can do is babble on self-righteously about how all these evil people are looting.

So I don't want to be too nasty with you, but you're right: You don't have a clue. So I just gave you one.

2:14 PM  

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