Friday, May 05, 2006

Leavin' on a Damn Jet Plane

I hate flying. I especially hate flying coach. I especially-especially hate flying coach on an airline that charges way too goddamned much for it’s fares and couldn’t give 2 flying fucks about its customers.

I give you:
American Airlines.

I arrived at the terminal ridiculously early. Somewhere in my brain I had stored the idea that I needed to leave the house no later than 1:00 to arrive at the airport by 2. I got there at 1:38. 2 was even too early as my flight wasn’t scheduled to leave until 4:20…but anyway, what with the new rules about checking in bla bla bla… ok. So, I enter through the automatic doors and already it’s total pandemonium. There are people everywhere, but the only queues seem to be at Security. Where in the the F do I check in? Glancing to my left, I notice the self-check-in-kiosks. I love that word. We use it all over the place at work.

“Is this the copy for the card going on the kiosk?”
“Will we be designing new kiosks?”
“Where in-store will the kiosks be?”

I walk up to the thing and it asks me for my e-ticket number, that, or a credit card…the card that purchased the tickets, I’m assuming, the credit card I don’t have. I can’t find the e-ticket number. Ok, fine, let’s do this the old fashioned way. I make my way to what looks like the entrance to the check-in line and hand my itinerary to the woman ostensibly “helping people”.
“Go to the self-check in and swipe your credit card.”
“Um, I don’t have the card that purchased these tickets”
“Any credit card will do,”
“Will a debit card work?”
It occurs to my at this point how absolutely determined this woman is to make it so I do NOT deal with a real person for my check-in needs. Which, just seems so….wrong! I mean, wouldn’t it stand to reason that dealing with real people would be better for airport security?? I just don’t get it.

Ok, so the kiosk mystery solved, I was now ready for security. The line was very long. Made longer by the new Get-Naked- and-Put-All-Your-Worldy-Possessions-in-These-Tubs-procedure we’re all enduring these days. Amazing though, how quickly we’ve acclimated ourselves to it. I’ve almost got it down to a science. I even took off my belt this time.

So, now it 's time to find a place to get a snack or a beer or whathaveyou. As I walk through the concourse, it strikes me that American’s Terminal just sucks. There are 2 bar/restaurants where I’m at and none of them have room for more than 5 people at a time at the bar. I order a beer and take a sip, then notice an empty seat. The “bartender” informs me that I cannot sit there as there is a woman already there. I could swear I saw whoever it was take off, but I shrug and say, Okay, and continue sipping my $6.00 beer.

“You can take that beer with you, you know.”
“Cool, thanks. I’m comfortable here.”
“Yes, but I need the room in case other people come up to order something.”
“I’ll move in a minute.”
“Ok, I’m just saying…”
“Yes, I see. I’ll move in a minute.”
“Ok, but..”

In a minute, I moved.

When it comes time to board the plane I look at my carry-on items and realize that I have 3 rather than the requisite “1 + a personal item such as a purse.” This was going to be tricky as this time around I didn’t have any room to combine bags. I tried looping my purse over my arm and covering it with my coat…wondered if I could, in fact, get my lap-top into my already over-taxed suitcase. In the end, I decided to used the little strappy-thing on my suitcase to attach my laptop bag in order to make it look like part of the suitcase proper. I board the plane without incident once again feeling like I somehow “stuck it to the establishment.”

Alright, so, belted in, carry-ons safely stowed, we take off. Over the intercom:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a non-meal flight, however we do have a snack box available for purchase at $4.00 each…cash only, correct change is always appreciated.”

Ok, maybe I’ll purchase one of these “snack boxes”. They usually include a smallish sandwich, and I could go for something like that.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, once again, we are offering a snack-box for $4.00. This box includes: Peperidge Farm Goldfish, *snicker*, (Christ, even the flight attendants couldn’t get through the list without laughing) Lorna Dunne Cookies (what sounded like some kind of beef jerky situation), raisins, crackers, and cheese spread. These are available for cash only….”

Yeah, $4.00 for some crap that costs about 2 bucks at the goddamned gas station.

Our movie: King Kong. Awesome, right? Sure, if the plane was fitted with screens for each seat, or at the very least for each banke of seats. No, we’ve got the over-head uniformly spaced screens to deal with. Which are useless if you’re not right underneath them. In an aisle seat.

The one closest to me is broken.

I’ve only been in the air for an hour.

About 4 more to go.



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