Monday, September 22, 2008

When I'm Drunk, I'm Brilliant

Check it.

I figured it out. After about a case of Miller Lite and a heated debate with my future Italian In-Laws, I had a brainwave. An epiphany. And then I burped. But what came out with that belch was nothing short of absolutely the smartest thing EVER.

I figured out why there will never be an end to racism, a resolution to the abortion issue, or closure on Gay marriage.

People, Americans especially, are Guilt Fetishists.

That's right.

Americans get off on feeling guilty about something. They love anything verboten, because once they give in to the temptation, they can sit in their little worlds and wring their hands, and tie themselves up in knots over how sinful they are. So as long as racism exists, abortion is considered "baby murder", and Gay people are still thought of as "Satan's Little Helpers", people can continue to mea culpa all over the place. And that's hot.

Activists aren't activists because they want injustices to end. They activate because they want to point out that there are still people who consider certain things "wrong" so there's somebody out there who disapproves and therefore, something to feel guilty about.

Get it?

Goddamnit, This sounded so much better when I was half in the bag.


Blogger Booker T said...

Give me a glass of wine and I will spew all over the place in agreement with this.

10:02 AM  
Blogger Auryn23 said...

Damn right, you should have thought of me when you wrote it!

I miss those drunken sociological discussions over brie and bread...

7:56 AM  

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