Monday, December 20, 2004

A Splendid Time Was Had By All...

So, the Get-Down at the L&L Ranch was a rousing success... (Sorry there were so many dudes there people, but apparently Artgrl and I only have male friends.)
Artgrl and I came away with ornaments, cookies, SILVER PATRON (which I discovered under the tree and have no idea who gave that to us... THANK YOU SANTA!) and Artgrl presented me with a Christmas gift that made me cry. She gave me a beautiful Salwar Kameez (Indian Tunic and Pants), earrings, a bracelet, and 2-count em TWO Bollywood movies.

Why would these gifts make me cry? Cuz the girl pays attention. You see, gentle readers, I have an unexplained obsession with all things Indian. I'm guessing it all started with late nights, drunk (or not), eating Mac and Cheese (Kraft), flipping channels, and landing on the International Channel. There, in all their glory...Indian Music Videos. Dude. Seriously. They're awesome.

Here's a plot most of them are the same.
There's a palatial Indian estate. It's always sunny. And facilitate the billowing of all the yards of silk adorning just about anything that moves.
There's a family. There's a daughter. She's spit-fire, that one, and mom and dad just DON'T know what to do with her. Dad gets angry, mom soothes him with a knowing smile and some food. Enter our Hero. A dashing young lad...sometimes in traditional garb...sometimes in Western garb...but always dreamy and any time a girl sees him she passes out dramatically. Except for the daughter. She's too wily for those shenanigans and we spend the next 5 minutes watching chasing (literally...he chases her for about 5 minutes) courtship that goes on between these two. Suddenly, UH-OH! Daughter is late for the show/festival/wedding or whatever other event involves a group of beautiful Indian women dancing in saris with the aforementioned billowy silk!! Seriously. It's ridiculous...this billowing. Ok, so, Daughter dances with her 45 cousins (who do indeed all live in the palatial estate). She's singing to the Hero, the Hero is watching her. Cut to dad standing off to the side, arms crossed, looking very cross himself. Mom continues to soothe. Cut to elderly Aunt/Grandmother figure who nods "knowingly". Everyone dances, boy and girl are in love, and everyone lives happily ever after. In billowy silk.

I love this shit. LOVE IT! Plus, the dancing, is incredible. I'm not kidding. Billowy silk aside, it's some of the best choreography you'll ever see.

So, last night was all about watching my first ever full length Bollywood feature. Y'all, I couldn't finish it. By the time I went to bed, we were clocking in at 3+ hours. I HAD to sleep. I forgot that the Indians REALLY love movies and they're usually really long. There's even an Intermission section in this badboy.

Anyway... that's the weekend, and a crash course on Indian Pop Culture.
Tune in soon for a review and Plot summary of this movie...if it indeed ends.

EDIT: THANK YOU GUY/SANTA FOR THE TEQUILLA. Aparently, I was told three times about your lovely gift... I'm medicated.


Blogger bollo said...

"I never met a man I could not forget. Except for. Guy Forget."
He plays tennis. Sorry I missed the party.

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, there is a Santa.
Oh yes........



3:17 PM  

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