Thursday, March 31, 2005

Ah, Spring

My boyfriend gives me a hard time about my habit of wearing a winter coat and scarf in WINTER even though it's 50 degrees outside. I was taught: "Coats and long pants until the weather is warm for a week straight". It drives me CRAZY when I see kids outside without coats on random warm days in winter. It's those same dumbass parents who then load their now sick kids up on fever reducers, send em to school, and allow them to spread their plagues to the four winds where their parents then pick it back up and bring it to work, whereupon I end up ill 3 times in a month and a half, then pass it on to my boyfriend who gets pissed because he's the only person I know who hates being sick more than me.

But I digress.

Yesterday was no exception...even though it scooted up into the 60's. And then...Spring's first Thunderstorm. It got me. Bringing with it it's scents of summer and warm and growing things. I was hoodwinked. Lulled into complacency, I woke up this morning and decided to wear a dress.

Well, it's cold. And Cloudy. And Goddamned Windy.

So, now lie in wait for Pneumonia to swoop down and encrust my lungs in it's loving lovely embrace.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You spent to much time in Catholic schools...where non-uniform days were only once in a blue moon...if it were nice enought for a NON-UNIFORM DAY at ll. The majority of the time teachers and nuns were teaching you to cover your dirty parts with 100% wool and thick polyester even when it was 97 degrees out. That is why you have the ONE WEEK NICE WEATHER rule!!! I echoes over the moring PA announcement in my head too. DAMN YOU OLD LADY PICKLE HOUSE!!!."STOP FANNING YOUR SELF! YOU ARE JUST MAKING YOURSELF HOTTER!!!!!!"

1:27 PM  
Blogger LC Greenwood said...

Dude. The fanning thing. Totally forgot about that.

9:29 AM  

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