Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A Commuter Laments...

So, because the CTA sucks ass, I've had to go back to taking the EL to get to work on time.
The Red Line.
The Toilet Line.
I'm not kidding. It perpetually smells of pee. Why? Because there's an "element" on this line that likes drop trou and piss where they will. Ah, the Humanity!

The only solace is found in ganking a seat and getting lost in a book or a personal music device.
a PERSONAL music device, people. I think people really believe that just because the headphones are only applied to their ears, that no one else could possibly be able to hear what they're listening to.

This morning, I stood about a foot away from a well dressed, product wearing gentleman. He was listening to No Doubt. How do I know this? Because I could hear every. single. note. I wanted to tap him and say
"Hey, Helen? You wanna dial that down a little?"
And this isn't the first time this has happened. There have been Thrash mornings, Techno Mornings, and my personal favorite: Gangsta Rap mornings. What an uplifting start to the day.. Drugs, Drive-bys, and Bitches. GOOD MORNING!!!!

But, I pussed out. Why? Because well, who knows how loud I'VE played my walkman. I'm sure Mr. Floor Trader isn't too interested in listening to RiverDance all the way Downtown while he's trying to read the Journal.

But, you can bet your ass I'm gonna be more careful next time. Because when I'm NOT listening to music, I like it quiet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting!! just got off the 78 Montrose bus to get to the Sulzer library. There's like 20 people on it. ABSOLUTE DEAD SILENCE. Hate to say this but I get real scared of silent crowds. Hard to believe, right? But I've been to cemeteries where there seems to be more life!!!!!!!! Not the only reason I hate CTA. After voting on that doomsday budget I think they want to do us ALL in . . .

11:27 AM  

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