Wednesday, September 14, 2005


There is always at least one peanut m&m in the pack that tastes a little "off".

Eating Indian food after 7:00 on a school night is NOT a good idea.

The nail polish I am wearing is just too orange for me.

The buzzword for the week: Racism.

According to some, there are people who can actually cause and manipulate weather systems.

Knitting is not nearly as difficult as one would think.

I think I've taken up knitting to avoid something.

Someone is complaining that not enough Hurricanes are named after black people. So, we did the next best thing. We named this current one after a black guy's white girlfriend. Baby steps, I suppose.

I am not ready for cold weather. I'm not done wearing sandals.

Learned a new word today: "Fois Gras" French for Fat Liver. And THE GOVAHNATOR of California has signed a bill to ban its availability in restaurants as its production is cruel to ducks and geese.

We have no issue killing eachother, yet we take pretty damn good care of animals.


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