Thursday, April 13, 2006

Putting the "S" back in Surly

I can feel a bit of the ol' fire comin' back.
Maybe it's spring. Maybe things are just pissing me off again...
Maybe when you're in a relationship you tend not to be as demonstrative about your moods or opinions or whatever because you're afraid (SUBconsciously of course, for if you were afraid CONSCIOUSLY, you'd get the fuck out of the relatonship...RIGHT?? right??) of what your partner might think.

I'm glad I'm feeling more like me again. There is great power in being alone.

I'm so full of Nyquill right now my fingers aren't working properly. My brain is in a black licorice-eucalyptus fuzzy fog.

I found a dress that fits to wear to ToCrow and HB's wedding. Maybe it's time to face the fact that I am, in fact, going on 31 and will not fit into clothes I wore at 23. Goddamn him for making such a big goddamned deal about my figure. Douche.

Maybe I need to let that go.

Also, there has been an ENORMOUS run of "people I haven't seen in over 10 years" coming back into my life. The other day, through looking for speakers on Craigslist, I ran into someone I haven't seen or talked to in 22 years. Let me repeat that figure.

22 YEARS!!!

What the Jesus?


Blogger Broken said...

No one is happier than I that you are feeling like yourself again...and I know what you mean about people showing up out of nowhere from the distant past.

I am knee deep in it, my dear. Life's little joke, I imagine.

And, seriously, get over the figure thing...don't let one moron's opinion shape you, even if you loved that moron. It's still just an opinion...and, may I say so, a wrong one.

12:30 AM  

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