International Rockstar...
Ah Germany...
So, right after the start of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, mom and I got word that the Boy would be shipping out end of April, beginning of May. So, we began preparations for our EMERGENCY MISSION to Frankfurt, Germany, specifically Friedberg Hess, site of Ray Barracks, where the Boy was stationed.
2 plane tickets and 1 expedited passport later, we were off.
The trip itself is hazy in my mind as we were only there 5 days and 2 1/2 of those I spent in a haze of retarded jetlag. But, when it finally wore off, I was able to enjoy a couple nights that I won't soon forget.
Maria was The Boy's German Girlfriend. She was from Berlin and had a gypsy look about her. She was small and dark. It made my dark coloring make a little more sense to me. We went to a few bars in Frankfurt and ended up at an Irish place right across from the Hauptbahnhof (train station).

It was a pretty big bar. At that time I was drinking Irish Car Bombs like it was my job. But I learned quickly that it is not polite to refer to them as such over there. So, just "Car Bomb". Also...they don't make them with Jameison. You have to ask for that special. Alright, so, I get a bug up my ass to play some pool. So we make our way to the pool room where there are a bunch of guys in various stages of games. I, fresh off 2 Car Bombs, call out from a warm fuzzy Guinesss-y place:
"Does anyone here speak English??"
I should pause here. At this point in the war, the statue of Saddam had come down. The day prior to be exact. While the Germans weren't our biggest fans at the time, the rest of the world still pretty much loved us. And being that this bar was across from the main trian station, the concentration of Germans to "Other Europeans" was pretty skewed in my favor.
"Does anyone here speak English????"
"I DO!!!" Yells a distinctly American sounding male voice.
"Where are you from?" an increasingly louder me exclaims.
And the "We are Awesome and American" party continued for about 3 seconds until a distinctly BRITISH voice cut in.
"Well, it still remains to be seen whether what you people speak really is indeed 'English'".
Whereupon I turned still embracing my new American friend and retorted in my WORST British accent:
"Well, we don't speak THE QUEEN'S English, but we won the war, so, it doesn't matter now, does it?"
Amidst a chorus of the British equivalents of "OH SNAP", I had found new friends from foreign shores.
And so we played pool.
And then I met him.
Sam. Samwise...
He was absolutely adorably British. We hit it off immediately...and the phrase "I think I quite fancy you" actually came out of his mouth. My reply could only be:
"You FANCY me? How incredibly Jane Austen of you."
But I was positively smitten.
He kept asking me how to get me away from my "chaperone".
Maria was responsible for me. My brother had been texting her all night to make sure we were ok. They all wanted to go to another bar. (In a very bad part of town it turns out. The Boy was not happy, citing that the American GI's were not even allowed in that part of town and people get stabbed there and so on...) And I wanted to go too. Maria was very cool and agreed that we could go.
Into a cab and off we went. With my new British boyfriend in tow.
So, how does one steal a moment with someone you know you may never ever see again?
She tells him upon arrival at said bar to meet her in the ladies loo.
The good news is, I got to see him the next night and he was just as cute sober as he was under the veil of hugs from many Guinnesses. And we sat for about 4 hours and talked. He was just lovely. At one point he said to me
"It's a shame you have to leave tomorrow. I could get used to having you around."
A line to be sure, I know. But when you're in Germany with a cute Brit and it's your last night and he's about to be cruelly snatched from you by the cruel hands of cruel's all terribly, cruelly romantic. (Thanks Andy)
So, I went home the next day.
And we still email eachother every now and again.
And he will always have a very special place in my heart.
Le sigh.
So, right after the start of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, mom and I got word that the Boy would be shipping out end of April, beginning of May. So, we began preparations for our EMERGENCY MISSION to Frankfurt, Germany, specifically Friedberg Hess, site of Ray Barracks, where the Boy was stationed.
2 plane tickets and 1 expedited passport later, we were off.
The trip itself is hazy in my mind as we were only there 5 days and 2 1/2 of those I spent in a haze of retarded jetlag. But, when it finally wore off, I was able to enjoy a couple nights that I won't soon forget.
Maria was The Boy's German Girlfriend. She was from Berlin and had a gypsy look about her. She was small and dark. It made my dark coloring make a little more sense to me. We went to a few bars in Frankfurt and ended up at an Irish place right across from the Hauptbahnhof (train station).

It was a pretty big bar. At that time I was drinking Irish Car Bombs like it was my job. But I learned quickly that it is not polite to refer to them as such over there. So, just "Car Bomb". Also...they don't make them with Jameison. You have to ask for that special. Alright, so, I get a bug up my ass to play some pool. So we make our way to the pool room where there are a bunch of guys in various stages of games. I, fresh off 2 Car Bombs, call out from a warm fuzzy Guinesss-y place:
"Does anyone here speak English??"
I should pause here. At this point in the war, the statue of Saddam had come down. The day prior to be exact. While the Germans weren't our biggest fans at the time, the rest of the world still pretty much loved us. And being that this bar was across from the main trian station, the concentration of Germans to "Other Europeans" was pretty skewed in my favor.
"Does anyone here speak English????"
"I DO!!!" Yells a distinctly American sounding male voice.
"Where are you from?" an increasingly louder me exclaims.
And the "We are Awesome and American" party continued for about 3 seconds until a distinctly BRITISH voice cut in.
"Well, it still remains to be seen whether what you people speak really is indeed 'English'".
Whereupon I turned still embracing my new American friend and retorted in my WORST British accent:
"Well, we don't speak THE QUEEN'S English, but we won the war, so, it doesn't matter now, does it?"
Amidst a chorus of the British equivalents of "OH SNAP", I had found new friends from foreign shores.
And so we played pool.
And then I met him.
Sam. Samwise...
He was absolutely adorably British. We hit it off immediately...and the phrase "I think I quite fancy you" actually came out of his mouth. My reply could only be:
"You FANCY me? How incredibly Jane Austen of you."
But I was positively smitten.
He kept asking me how to get me away from my "chaperone".
Maria was responsible for me. My brother had been texting her all night to make sure we were ok. They all wanted to go to another bar. (In a very bad part of town it turns out. The Boy was not happy, citing that the American GI's were not even allowed in that part of town and people get stabbed there and so on...) And I wanted to go too. Maria was very cool and agreed that we could go.
Into a cab and off we went. With my new British boyfriend in tow.
So, how does one steal a moment with someone you know you may never ever see again?
She tells him upon arrival at said bar to meet her in the ladies loo.
The good news is, I got to see him the next night and he was just as cute sober as he was under the veil of hugs from many Guinnesses. And we sat for about 4 hours and talked. He was just lovely. At one point he said to me
"It's a shame you have to leave tomorrow. I could get used to having you around."
A line to be sure, I know. But when you're in Germany with a cute Brit and it's your last night and he's about to be cruelly snatched from you by the cruel hands of cruel's all terribly, cruelly romantic. (Thanks Andy)
So, I went home the next day.
And we still email eachother every now and again.
And he will always have a very special place in my heart.
Le sigh.
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