Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Post Jason is Referring To

Yeah. Earlier this morning I wrote a rather scathing post dedicated to those expecting Obama to "walk on water, cure cancer with the laying on of his divine black hands, and start a goddamned cascade of manna from heaven."

After John William's arrangement of "Air and Simple Gifts", I was moved to a reminder that the guy is the President of the United States, and perhaps I should go ahead and acknowledge that before I get all kinds of assy.

So, I did.

And now, I can say without hesitation:

The man is not Jesus. He cannot make the blind see, the cripple walk, nor the leper cease to ooze. He cannot fly and he can not fell a yak from 200 feet with Mind Bullets.
But he does indeed, have the power...to move you. (Acoustic fill here please....)


Anyhoo. Let's just all settle down, let's see what the market does, and let's say some prayers that we all get our jobs back.


Blogger Auryn23 said...

Laura, the best way to get our jobs back is to believe in the Lord.

And now that I am not possessed, I think what I feel is an overwhelming sense of hope. Yeah, we are up shit's creek with no paddle anywhere and yeah, it's going to take a long time. But look at it this way...if Obama actually does what he said he will do, then things will get better. If he doesn't do what he promised to do, he will be just like every other elected official in the history of this nation.

I think I would have some hope if the election went the other way, simply because we needed a change of scenery. Not as much hope (and some worry about some things) but that sense of freshness, you know? Like when you don't shower for a few days and you have the ability to put on a freshly laundered pair of undies. You know the undies will be dirty once they're on. You know those undies won't stay clean forever. But for that time, that brief (pun intended) moment in time, all is well with your undercarriage.

Obama is a clean pair of Hanes Her Way. And that's as far as the government should come to my vagina! MMMWWWUUUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

see how i slid that hard-core feminism atcha? Huh. I said "slid".

10:18 PM  

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