Friday, August 20, 2004

Late today...

Protip: Just because a really good chick movie comes on USA, one does not need to drink a quarter of a jug of wine.

My head....

I'm taking the bus to work these days. It's so much nicer than taking the Red Line. And By the Red Line I mean the train that smells the most like pee.

On the bus, I get to ride on Lake Shore my opinion one of the most beautiful stretches of road on Earth. On the west side, you've got the Chicago Archetecture Sampler and to the East... the Lake.

Lake Michigan. What can I say about her? As close to an ocean as the midwest can get..and if you've seen it, it's pretty damn close. There are places up north where people actually surf her. I've seen breakers at least 4 feet high, and then I've seen her like I saw her this morning... glassy. Totally still. Serene.

That's really all I had today. Just the impression of the Lake this morning. It was beautiful.


Blogger FireVaney said...

Yo, L.C.!
Please email, or blog-comment, or call me regarding your show. I’d like to come see it.

10:52 PM  

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