Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas...

Anonymous said...
you bitch too much about everything... Smile for a change. It's Christmas time.
12:09 PM

Um, yeah, so, it's the XANAX FILES, dude. It's like saying Metal is too loud maybe they should soften it up a little. Jesus.
But read on... I'm not all piss and vinegar...

Speaking of JC, Happy Birthday!!!

In all seriousness, I absolutely love Christmas. It is really the one time of year I can always count on to be happy. I love the lights, I love the trees, ornaments, colors, smells, the food... and yes, even a little snow. I love it.

Christmas at my house is pretty awesome. My mom gets a 13 to 17 foot tree every year. It's absolutely spectacular when it's all done. This year is no exception and it smells pretty kick ass too.

And this year... I got the best. present. ever. The Boy is home. He totally faked me out. He was all "Yeah, I can't get a pass this weekend. Sucks to be so close and not be able to get there." (He's at Ft. Riley in Kansas).
So, I'm sitting in the living room at my mom's just hanging out... and generally, well, hanging. Damn you vodka. Damn you to hell. Anyway, I'm just sitting talking to my mom and all of a sudden
"HEYA WEAK!!" Dude comes running up the stairs. I just about had a stroke. So kick ass. So, this year I can continue the tradition of busting into his room in the morning "Merry Christmassing" all over the place and shaking him until he gets his ass up and we can go open presents.

Big big big smiles all around this year.

Oh, also, Bravo has been airing Dirty Dancing all day.
'Nuff said.

Merry Christmas y'all. I hope Santa is awesome to you and I hope everyone has a really wonderful day with family and friends.

Hugs and whatnot...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever you say!

9:54 PM  

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