Friday, September 15, 2006

Note To Self

When a guy asks "How many guys have you been with"
Don't answer:
"I don't even know anymore. I stopped counting. I don't care about that anymore." and then drunkenly launch into a diatribe about not wanting anything serious and being damn tired of guys who are all judgemental and shit.

Because in response to a text asking said guy to "Let me know you got home ok" after he leaves in a huff,
you get this:

"I'm alive, technically. Does it even matter? I didn't think so either, not to be dramatic but you have bigger fish to fry, im just another guy you don't have to count, sweet dreams."




Blogger FireVaney said...

You need to get yourself a nice, pathetic, self-loathing young schmuck -- just like moi! (That is, moi, but minus the clingy, placement of Eggs All In One Never-Gonna-Happen Basket disorder.)

6:12 PM  
Blogger Auryn23 said...

The question is, did you mean what you said? If so, then you spoke your mind and if he couldn't handle how you feel, well, he couldn't handle being with you, right?
If you didn't mean what you said, and it was just a drunken rant, well maybe you can, um, improve on the way you state your case.

If you did like him and didn't mean what you said, or the way you said it, you can always send him an email or call him and say, "You know, the craziest thing happened the other night! The spirit of some crotchety old woman was slipped in my drink roofie style and she took over my vocal chords for a moment. Here is how I really feel...."

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to take you out...

11:12 AM  
Blogger LC Greenwood said...

That's a first.
I've been asked out on my blog.

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, I don't doubt that.

But, the difference is, I know you. I've actually hung out with you.

Any guesses?

12:43 PM  
Blogger LC Greenwood said...

No, I meant it truly is a first. You're the first.
And as I only know one person from New Jersey (where your IP address is coming from) I'd have to guess Pat.
However, I'm probably wrong as I don't think he reads this.

1:28 PM  
Blogger Miss Bish said...

I still think this is one of the funniest stories you've ever told me...

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I am not pat.

never heard that name.

I'll give you a call this week, fess up, and ask you out.

5:00 PM  

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