Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Yesterday was Scribbley

I'm feeling a little more like LC today.
Had a dream there was a beast that needed it's ass kicked and I did it. Twice.

Had a long talk with The Older Brother last night. We discussed my entrance into this period of life called "Adulthood" where our parent's opinions just don't have to matter as much as they used to. And how many times we make steps towards a course of acton and stop because we're worried about what mom and dad and the respective step parents will think. Well, fuck it right? I'm almost 30 goddamned years old. What are they gonna do? Ground me? Send me to my room? Call me selfish? Well, hell, we're all selfish sometimes. And it's not my responsibility to be perfect all the time and unreasonable expectations are just that. Unreasonable.

In other news...
What I learned from drinks with folks from work:

If sharks were on land they wouldn't be as scary...even if they were camouflaged or had a cloaking device or similar. Only that as they uncloaked, the "Klingon Bird of Prey Uncloaking Music" must play.

That the above proves that I am a complete and total dork.

That apparently old people are unphased and can continue eating while barraged with f-bombs and conversations about pain killers and bowel movements.

Wild at Heart is NOT the Christian Slater monkey heart movie.

That I work with some pretty twisted, but very cool people.
Thanks guys!


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