Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Few Things...

1. I have decided that guys who do Tom Goes to the Mayor are two of the most bizarre minds in America. Proof: The lastest bumps on Cartoon Nework.

2. The new Juicy Fruit commercials featuring the girl's mouth chewing gum are pretty provocative. By provocative I mean pornographic bordering on pedophillic.

3. Family Guy made me laugh tonight with the follwing:

...The kind of day that makes you glad to be alive. I made fudge.

I'm as ok as your face!

...and little baby junior son of a bitch is screaming his head off.

4. My apartment is about 8 feet from the sun as it's about 90,000 degrees in here.

5. I need to do some research to see if I can get episodes of The Monkees on DVD.

6. I really enjoy sitting in on editing sessions.

7. It's 10:34.

8. I can't get my nano to stop playing the same damn songs over and over and over again.


Blogger Bigshoes said...

Did you just quote an Ani DiFranco song? You rock AGAIN

3:19 PM  

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