More on Tom Cruise and his Creepy Religion
Read this today...
ok, seriously. This man makes me ill.
Here's some interesting reading on his freaking fucking faith.
As someone who is on meds for Depression and Anxiety, I can say people like Tom Cruise are dangerous. Scientology's methods of treating mental disorders are dangerous. These people aren't licensed physicians. They practice Science Fiction.
Note to self: Don't become a Scientologist.
ok, seriously. This man makes me ill.
Here's some interesting reading on his freaking fucking faith.
As someone who is on meds for Depression and Anxiety, I can say people like Tom Cruise are dangerous. Scientology's methods of treating mental disorders are dangerous. These people aren't licensed physicians. They practice Science Fiction.
Note to self: Don't become a Scientologist.
Did you ever see Tom Cruise in that movie? "Ball-Licking Scientology Studs 2"?
Seriously, Scientology is like something out of a movie or a bad science fiction novel.
Are you sure that Tom Cruise is a Scientologist?
What IS Scientology? Back in the 1960's, most of the Scientologists were certified nut-cases. But now you have Tom Cruise and John Travolta, who don't seem like nut-cases.
Altho I have no idea what it is, it's probably no more nutty than Suicidal Islam or Lets-shove-a-feeding-tube-down-Terri's-throat, theres-no-such-thing-as-evolution Christianity.
For those of you out there that do no know or understand what SCIENTOLOGY is, it is the "art or science & body". Therefore, everthing is and can be explained my science. Example--> Got a headache? It is caused my a lack of a vitamine, mineral or neutrient. Therefore increase one or all of these AND problem solved.
But it doesn't always work out like that. Hence why 90% of people over 55 yeard old are on one or more medications to help them either BREATH, SEE, MOVE, or HELP THERE FUCKIN HEART TO BEAT <--kind of a big deal, right?
Did you also know that Kirsti Alley is also a Scientologist? What the fuck sect of scientology is she from. Because, and correct me if I'm wrong but, didn't she do like every fuckin DRUG under the sun in the 1980's - 1990's, eat just about every fuckin piece of fast food in the world that wasn't nailed to the floor (with the exception of the Ebola Virus) and now she is like some 400 lbs.
Dear, Kirstie. Where the fuck were your science-nuts then? Were they being chewed up into tinny little piece in your "HEAD! PANTS! NOW! mouth? (you may not get that little joke, but it's okay).
People like John, Tom and Kirstie just don't understand that if we didn't use the science, in pill and medication form, we would all be living like a fuckin MONTE PITHON movie. "BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!!!!"
Don't they get it. They are here TODAY because of medication. Because of science and medication there are no out breaks like POLIO, MUMPS, SCARLETFEVER, BLACK PLAGUE, LEPERS (maybe they should read the GOOD BOOK about that little skin irritation), RUBELLA, ETC. Not to mention that ALL of them have kids that NEED these shots in order to go to school.
Yahknow what I say..."FUCK ALL DUMP PEOPLE!!!!"
Let them all move to an island and make eachother sick. Then they can all read science crap to one another all day about how Stephany has Polio because she didn't eat enough beets and red cabbage for dinner.
FYI-----> SCIENCE is the answer, SCIENTOLOGY is NOT!!!!
That's a nice definitive opinion.
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