Right then, Happy Summer! Oh, and a new Baby!
Oh, my dear Blog Readers...
I'm like a divorced dad promising to be at your little league game only to not show up while you look desperately for me in the stands cuz you're pitching that day. Sigh. Or not. It could be that you couldn't care less if I burden you with my surliness and angst. And that would be totally ok.
Look, the sad fact is, I'm tired. I have two kids now. One 2 years and still in diapers, and another 3 month old who still randomly decides when 2:30 AM is an appropriate time to eat. Oh yeah, that's right I had another baby. So, I have little energy to write long-form entries anymore, and take the lazy-blogger way out and emote on the Facebook.
The good news is, her birth was MUCH easier than the last. Sort of. This one came out 9lbs, 9 goddamned ounces with car keys and a job. It took me almost 3 hours to push her out. But, no infections, no hemmoraging, and the same doctor delivered her without being a total asshole this time. Oh, AND? I managed to end up 10lbs LIGHTER than I was before I got pregnant. And after some thyroid testing, it was revealed I was fine and was simply blessed with a 10 lb mulligan. Huzzah!
I will be posting an entry about some very sad and traumatic news as soon as I can wrap my brain around it better...not to worry, kids and husband and I are all ok.
But, stay tuned, or not...it's your choice.
Thanks for reading.