Monday, July 28, 2008

What Dreams May Come

Yay Sleep!
That's where I'm a viking!

And apparently very neurotic.
Since we last met, I have murdered, been murdered, (stabbing and shooting respectively) been persued by my ex while back together with another ex, crashed my fiance's toy-like homemade car, and of course, starred in a play where I've had no rehearsals and barely know the plot.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hey, Here's Fun!

The other night?

I dreamt I was fucking struck by lightening.

And then I waited until my heart started up again.


Hey, anyone else think I might be experiencing a little anxiety?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

No Thank You, Vera Wang.

Ok, so this morning I decide, "Hey, Internet, let's go look at some dresses!" and I find my way over to Vera Wang.
Vera Wang whom everybody throws up all over themselves over.
Vera Wang—featured in that Sex and the City movie that everyone keeps talking about.
Vera Wang... who apparently designs for unwilling child brides addicted to crystal meth:

Cast-offs from the Requiem for a Dream screen tests:

And the Amish: