Saturday, April 29, 2006

It's Alright

There's always a way through
There's always a way out.
There's always someone out there to
Shelter you from the storm.
One only need ask
One only need trust
It's Alright
It's Ok
Keep your eyes wide
And your heart open.

Friday, April 28, 2006


There is a certain danger in always gunning for immediate gratification.
While it feels good at the time, the ramifications later can be significant.
Care is needed in some situations.

As a wise man once said:

"Control! Control! You must learn Control!!"

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I Flipped Off A Cab Driver This Morning.

I'm never pleased with myself when I'm driven to outward displays of rage.
I am reading "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genious". I've just started it and I'm still in the first chapter and...for those that have read this book, well, you know how completely UNPLEASANT these first pages are. I'm also listening to my "I am Angry at Love and Will Never Do So Again" playlist. So, already, I'm just not in a good place.

So after waiting until 9 for a bus, then being forced OFF said bus because of a breakdown...which, this is the second time I've had this happen, and both times, no announcement...just a look up from my book and suddenly we're a goddamned diaspora...
Although, the bus switch turned out to be a small blessing as I had been sitting behind a woman who just smelled awful.
I can't explain it.
It's like sweat mixed with perfume mixed with dirty laundry...with a sour milk undertone.
So, I was rescued from that.
I get off the bus at Erie and there are 3 huge trucks honking at eachother. I fucking HATE that. There should be a law. NO FUCKING HORNS BEFORE NOON. Honestly. No human being needs to hear loud ANGRY noises in the morning. I am always stunned when I hear Metal coming from the earbuds of fellow passengers in the morning. How is that POSSIBLY good for you?

Anyway, I get to the crosswalk leading to my building and a cab stops. He then proceeds to flail his arms in a "hurry up" kind of way.

So you know what the hell I did?
I slowed down.
And said:
"You know what? I'm going to walk as slow as I possibly can, dickhead."
And then he HONKED at me.
So I flipped him the fucking bird. A pretty good one too. Full arm extension and everything.
At 9:30 in the morning.
That can't be good.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

One of Those Days

Lyric Time...

Smoke~ Ben Folds Five

Leaf by Leaf page by page
Throw this book away
All the sadness all the rage
Throw this book away
Rip out the binding, tear the glue
All of the grief we never ever knew
We had it all along
Now its smoke
The things we've written in it
Never really happened
All of the people come and gone
Never really lived
All of the people have come have gone
No one to forgive smoke
We will never write a new one
There will not be a new one
Another one, another one
Here's an evening dark with shame
Throw it on the fire
here's the time I took the blame
Throw it on the fire
Here's the time we didn't speak
it seemed for years and years
Here's a secret
No one will ever know the
reasons for the tears
They are smoke
Where do all the secrets live
They travel in the air
You can smell them when they burn
They travel
Those who say the past is not dead
Stop and smell the smoke
You keep on saying the past is not dead
Come on and smell the smoke
You keep saying the past is not even past
You keep saying
We are, smoke

Annie Waits~Ben Folds

And so
Annie waits, Annie waits, Annie waits
For a call
From a friend
The same
It's the same
Was it always the same?
Annie waits for the last time
The clock never stops, never stops, never waits
She's growing old
It's getting late
And so he forgot, he forgot
Maybe not
Maybe he's been seriously hurt
Would that be worse?
Headlights crest the hill
Shadows pass her by and out of sight
Annie sees her dreams:
Friday bingo, pigeons in the park
Annie waits for the last time
Just the same as the last time
Annie says "You see this is why I'd rather be alone."
And so
Annie waits, Annie waits, Annie waits
For a call
From a friend
The same
It's the same
Was it always the same?
Annie waits as the last...
Headlights crest the hill
Who will be the one for evermore?
(ooh ooh)
Annie, I could be
If we're both still lonely when we're old
Annie waits for the last time
Just the same as the last time
Annie waits for the last time
Just the same as the last time
Annie waits
But not for me

Monday, April 24, 2006

A Scribbly Day

Mean people suck.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Ok, So I Had This Dream Last Night

I was living in a wooded area. There was an earthquake happening in the mountains nearby and everyone living in the area had to escape. So. We all (I have no idea who else) got on a school bus and headed out. We found a railroad track leading very clearly through our escape route and to our destination. As we drove down it (the wheels on the bus going round and round and straddling the tracks), a train appeared out of nowhere. Not a large it turns out these were tracks for those miniature tracks that you see at amusement parks...and we could do nothing but ram it. So, we tried to turn back. No luck, as there was another novelty train coming up that direction.

"Why the hell are these trains running in the middle of a fucking earthquake?" I wondered and exited the bus to take a path up the wooded embankment off the beaten path.

Ok, at this point we, presumably, flash back to a moment where I'm setting up what looks to be a talisman fashioned out of copper wire to stick in the ground. The talisman consisted of the shape of a horse, a butterfly, and something else...I can't remember...but it had to do with the luggage I would be carrying later. ANYWAY.

Next thing I know, I've got a white horse with me, and I know I'm supposed to get on the thing, but I'm not all that great on horses. Well, desperate times, right? So, I get on the horse and we take off running. Here's where things start to lose any sort of linear movement in my memory. Some important landmarks if you will:

I'm off the horse at one point, and I'm folding up what looks like an enormous blue and white blanket that I've been carrying, That somehow (back to the talisman thingy) I wouldn't have been able to manage without the help of the little sculpture that I'd made.

It's around this point that I figure out the Horse's name is Helen, and we become friends in manner of "Girl and Her Horse" from any number of "Girl and Her Horse" cinematic offerings.

At another point, I'm in a theater with one of my exes, and we're talking and everything is cool. I should point out by the way that this particular ex, while I dated him a loooong time ago, makes regular appearances in my dreams.

Upon review and interpretation of the symbols and themes of this dream I have deduced the following:

Through the power of healing I will overcome fear, insecurity and the need to conform, thus acheiving transformation, Love, new beginnings, and happiness from new companionships.

It was a busy evening.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Out Damned Spot!

Fucking shit. I am so tired of being sick. It seems the innocent little bug I caught last week, that I thought I had thwarted with a day and a half off work has evolved in manner of Bulbasaur into a horrifying nightmare of bronchitic proportions...or at least, is threatening to.

Also, I'm addicted to nasal spray now.

I'm seeing my doctor today, and hopefully this whole mess can be cleared up with some anti-biotics. Or a good ol' fashioned bleeding. With leeches.

In other news, maybe it's the SARS, maybe it's my period, maybe it's a little of both, but I'm feeling rather emo today. far as emo is concerned, I liked it better when my generation did it. When it was called Goth.

That is all.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hmmm. A Discovery

It occurred to me in an early-morning fit of absolute rage that there is/was a reason for my promiscuity and inability to say "no".

Until and through my adolescence I walked the earth thinking that I was ugly. It's what I was told by my peers. Those helpful little scamps never let me forget how I looked, smelled, whathaveyou. Thanks guys! You're the greatest! As a result, when it came time for boys to start looking at me the way boys do after they wake up with their sheets...awry, I was taken by complete surprise when they did, in fact, start looking at me the way boys do...I panicked. I thought that each boy who took a shine to me would be the LAST boy to take a shine to me. So, I never said no. Well, rarely. Any male attention was good attention. A is for Abandonment Issues. Oh! And even when I knew that this boy or the next would NOT be the last, I STILL couldn't say no because I knew how awful being rejected felt. O is for Over-Abundance of Empathy.

So, here I am, almost 31 years old. 20 minutes before I leave for therapy with an cache of topics to discuss. I suppose I should thank the source of my early-morning-rage-catalyst. Thank you for helping me remember this little nugget of joy.

Monday, April 17, 2006

I Am SUCH an Asshole

Some things are better left unsaid. Especially when the listener is in no place to hear the said thing.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sugar Shock

Well blog readers... It's over. Lent is finally fucking over. And I'm here to tell you that I now know what "too much sugar" officially feels like. I've been having anxiety attacks all goddamned day due to my system not being used to processing refined sugar. It's actually really hilarious if you thing about it.

Sex. Will I run out and gorge myself like I did on so many chocolate eggs? No. I think that I am now officially what is known as "Chaste". OK, I can still smooch and stuff. Because, I'm sorry. Smooching is like water and food. Necessary. But I'm reserving the sex for when I'm sure that I am in a relationship worth getting naked for.

Happy Easter Everybody!

I'm going to go take another xanax and try and calm down.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Putting the "S" back in Surly

I can feel a bit of the ol' fire comin' back.
Maybe it's spring. Maybe things are just pissing me off again...
Maybe when you're in a relationship you tend not to be as demonstrative about your moods or opinions or whatever because you're afraid (SUBconsciously of course, for if you were afraid CONSCIOUSLY, you'd get the fuck out of the relatonship...RIGHT?? right??) of what your partner might think.

I'm glad I'm feeling more like me again. There is great power in being alone.

I'm so full of Nyquill right now my fingers aren't working properly. My brain is in a black licorice-eucalyptus fuzzy fog.

I found a dress that fits to wear to ToCrow and HB's wedding. Maybe it's time to face the fact that I am, in fact, going on 31 and will not fit into clothes I wore at 23. Goddamn him for making such a big goddamned deal about my figure. Douche.

Maybe I need to let that go.

Also, there has been an ENORMOUS run of "people I haven't seen in over 10 years" coming back into my life. The other day, through looking for speakers on Craigslist, I ran into someone I haven't seen or talked to in 22 years. Let me repeat that figure.

22 YEARS!!!

What the Jesus?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Ok, You Know What?

If you are sick...and by sick I mean coughing in manner of a90 year old man all over everyone, STAY THE FUCK HOME!!! You are NOT a hero if you come in. You are NOT a "really hard worker who pushes himself because he's so dedicated." You are a walking bag of pestilence. And in this extremely transitional perod of weather, it is your responsibility to make sure you are not infecting your peers with your goddamned SARS, Birdflu, Ebola, Consumption, or whatever the fuck else you might be carrying. GO HOME. When everyone tells you to go home, GO HOME.

But, since some people don't understand this common courtesy, I'm now coming down with another cold. I don't even have the energy to fight this one as it's decided to settle in my chest and it hurts to breath.

So, fuck you, sick people who don't keep your diseases at home where they belong!

Oh, and a fuck you too to parents who load their sick kids up on tylenol so their fevers go down so they can get away with sending their kids to school sick-infecting all the other kids who in turn bring it all back home and the parents bring it here. Where I work. Well done! You're part of this fucking problem too.

Friday, April 07, 2006

So Then There Was This Time I Got Fired From a Show...

It was 2002...I think...coulda been aught-one, I'm too lazy to do the maths. Yes, "maths". Damn Brits and their correct English.

Anyway, yeah, it was a few years back and I was working with the company I'd been with since 98. A little history:
When I got out of college and was nursing a broken heart, (as usual), I started taking some acting classes to supplement the training I got in college. After my sessions there, one of the instructors decided to break out on her own and I was one of the students who came with her. Thus, the birth of my career at AH. I was young. At 23 I was a wide eyed girl with delusions of changing the world type grandeur. I was a perfect candidate for an up-start theatre company.

Ok, so after a couple years, and not that much main-stage time..."You just look too young" "You're just too strong for this role" "I need contrast in hair color" were the excuses du jour, du mois, de l'anneƩ... I landed a role. Now, mind you, when I got the script before auditions I KNEW there was no goddamned way I was getting this part. She was weak-willed, innocent, and naive. With piss-poor instincts. Based on this analyzation, and based on the training I was receiving which bordered on Method but teetered on FUCKING CRAZY, I knew that this character just wasn't me.

I know, I know. It's ACTING. But, when you're dealing in Method, and you're dealing in Meisner-Based technique, you are coming from a place of imagined-reality. In other words, what you feel, your character feels, and vice-versa. It's what makes theatre exciting because a scene could change from night to night based on how one actor reacts to another actor that night. Or a piece of clothing or the music. Whatever. I could have some personal issue going on- so that for some reason a line that I've heard every single night suddenly socks me in the stomach and brings me to tears. As long as it's still within the perameters of the direction and message of the scene, anything goes. (It's why nearly every class I took found me hitting someone, getting hit, getting thrown through doors, spat on, and cowering in the corner in a fetal was fucking cool ass shit.) So, based on what I knew about me, the character, the play..everything.. I was sure I wa'nt gettin' this part.

I was wrong.

I was cast. In my first lead role in a professional theatre. I was thrilled. I was scared shitless. The plot:
Chrisy, a young girl from south Philly just wants a normal life. She can't figure out why she's so unhappy or why she can't get it together. Persuing a career in dance, she lands a job at a Go-Go bar where she meets Al and his buddy...whose name escapes me right now. They follow her home and for all intents and purposes rape her (she'd say she never said no, but there was no WAY she wanted to) and then she and Al start dating. All this time there's this other guy who's also obsessed with her and has been stalking her. She can't say no to him either and THEY end up fucking (more on this scene later). THEN the woman she works for at the club hits on her-destroying any faith she had in HER friendship. Add the gay neighbor upstairs and the revelation that her dad molested her. Sprinkle it with a dash of her mother having tried to abort her (and doesn't believe the molestation story...she says if it happened it was Chrissy's fault) and your have a recipe for the MOST FUCKED UP PLAY EVER that ends with Chrissy getting the shit kicked out of her by her now husband Al. Aaaaaand then she's on stage topless in a mask to hide the damage done to her face in a new club dancing to ...get this... "I'm a Believer" by the fucking Monkees. Lovely.

We start rehearsal. At the time, I was dating a Chicago cop. While that story is for another day, suffice it to say that I'm convinced this play was the final nail in the coffin sealing the doom of that relationship. I knew that most, if not ALL the issues in the play would bug him. He couldn't handle seeing me get pushed down by John Proctor in a staged reading of the Crucible for Christ's sake. I didn't think he'd be happy with me A. being topless and B. watching another guy beat the living fuck out of me. So, I gave him the script to read to prepare him for what was coming. He left me 2 weeks later.

So, absofuckinglutely heartbroken, I continue rehearsal. At this point, I wasn't on any medication to balance out my depression and anxiety, so one can only imagine how much of an absolute mess I was half the time.
Then rehearsals really started to suck.
First of all, my director, for reasons then unknown, decided NOT to DIRECT me. She'd have notes for everybody under the sun at the end of the day, but none for me. I had no idea if what I was doing was right, or good, or bad. There was nothing. Gone was the caring, nurturing teacher who had helped me achieve vulnerability I never dreamed possible. Here was a cold, disinterested taskmaster. Then NO notes became nothing but negative notes. It only got worse. Remember that "other guy" who was stalking Chrissy and ends up in bed with her? Possibly the most awful rehearsal ever.

Here's what she wanted. She wanted me to be on top. Fucking him. While delivering one of the weirdest monologues ever about some tv show and watching people through windows. It made absolutely no goddamned sense. Worse, I had NEVER been comfortable being on top during REAL sex, much less stage sex. (I wasn't the sexual dynamo who feels the need to give up sex for Lent that sits here today. I was still relatively green. And not very adventurous.) I was, in short, a missionary girl. I'd have practiced, but, whoops! Too bad, I didn't have a boyfriend anymore because of this fucking play so what in the FUCK did she want me to do? Well, fuck, I suppose but, she was on me about not looking comfortable. And not getting the rhythm down. And in frustration, I turned to her and said,

"Listen, here's the deal. In real life, I'm NEVER on top. I don't really even know how to do it. Seriously. That's why this is so hard."

Her response:
"Yeah, that's way too much information. Don't get so personal. Ew."

Wait. What??? "Don't get so personal???" This was the woman who at every turn during class was CONSTANTLY telling me: Take things more personally. Stop hiding behind walls! Expose yourself!! There was a moment in rehearsal when I said "I really want to hit him. My instincts are telling me to hit him. THAT's my impulse. To punch him in the fucking jaw." I was told I couldn't do that. Yeah. So, slowly, I started to go insane.

I stopped having fun. I started having anxiety attacks before every rehearsal. I worried about not being off-book. I can't TELL you how much I obsessed about that small thing..that I knew wouldn't be an issue come opening. The lines ALWAYS come. ALWAYS. But I was so fucking turned around inside I didn't even trust that.

Every rehearsal became another excercise hoping I was doing things right. Cutting myself up on the inside to get to the place where Chrissy would be crawling on all fours towards her father begging him to tell her why he did what he did and crawling back to her mother asking her to forgive her. There were times I was sobbing so hard I couldn't even GET the lines out much less worry about whether the lines were memorized. Only to be told to do it again. Better this time. More vulnerable. "You're still not getting it!"

One day, my director pulled me aside and sat me down to ask me if I still wanted the role. She thought I was being resistant. I told her under no circumstances was I giving up the role. And that I promised to do better. I tried. I really did.

I started getting paranoid. I was convinced that everyone thought I was horrible and they were just waiting to fire me. That I was a shitty, shitty actor who was fucking up the whole show. Then, a miracle.

A good friend came back from St. Louis. He had been someone I looked up to so much at AH. And he was cute to boot. But we had worked together before and I had so much respect for his work. He watched a run of the first act and he took me aside and said:

"LC, you are on the edge of brilliance. Really. All you need to do is trust yourself and let go, and you are going to be. fucking. amazing." It was a little of what I had been aching to hear all along...we were about 2 1/2 weeks out from Opening. Those words became my mantra during every anxiety attack before every rehearsal. I thought things were starting to get easier.
Fuckin' calm before the storm...

So, it was a Friday night rehearsal. Al and I went to the director to ask her about some blocking for the big fight at the end. We had an idea about how to make it look more real ("You're not selling that fight LC"), and she fliiiiipped out. She accused us of "bucking her off" - like a horse I guess, I don't fucking know, and we were at a complete loss as to what to do next, so we just let it drop. And started rehearsal. It felt good overall. I had my lines down for the most part, I felt like I was connecting to the characters on stage, I was "in the moment", I felt good. Apparently, the director didn't think so. What followed was quite possibly the most traumatic note session I've ever sat through. It essentially culminated thusly:

Her: LC, I don't know how many times I have to give you the same note, but it's just unacceptable. You're not taking
direction, you're NOT getting the rhythm of the sex scene and we've been over that time and time again...I just don't know what else to DO with you.
If I had had the energy to pass out, I probably would have. We all went home quietly.

I was to report to the theater the next day for a private note session before rehearsal. I pulled up and saw my understudy standing at the door.

"This is it. They're firing me."

And fire me she did. She told me that she had been mistaken in casting me and that for the most part I shouldn't feel too bad about it because it was her mistake. Not mine. But not before she berated me for my lack of discipline and professionalism. Then she saw the look on my face and back peddalled profusely. She saw a couple of things.

1. Relief. I was never going to have to say any of those lines again. Ever.
2. Despair. I failed. But more than that, every bit of torture I had endured would be for nothing. No opening night. No applause. No fucking validation for destroying myself.

Then in what can only be described as a moment of searing shame and guilt, she asked me to stay on as Assistant Director. And I, because I felt so bad about how bad she felt.. she worked up some tears to match my "can't breathe sobs", agreed.

I lasted 15 minutes. Watching someone else do my part was like watching my boyfriend fuck another woman and tell me how much better she was.

I got into my car and drove to Leslie's. It was, to date, if I had a top 5 worst days of my life, one of the top 5 worst days of my life. I've never been the same since. Where once I was fearless on stage, I found myself stunted and doubting my skill. I'd lost the key to what could have been a brilliant career at 25 years old. Well, truth be told.. I felt like it was stolen from me.

In the years to come, I would discover that I wasn't the only person who experienced something like this. And it wasn't that I wasn't good enough. It was a myriad different reasons that eventually led me to leave the company.

So, I suppose this is a cautionary tale. Don't all ow yourself to feel less that you are. Don't doubt your instincts.

Had I been a little older, wiser, I would have taken better care of myself. And stood up for myself. On top. While talking about a bag of doritos.

The End.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

An Open Letter to My Liver and Other Odds and Ends

Dear Largest Organ in My Body Aside from My Skin,

I would like to take the time to profusely apologize for my brain's absolute wreckless and careless disdain for your well-being. In what can only be described as a "lapse in anything resembling common sense", my 'think-tank' has decided that drinking heavily every night since Friday was a good idea. I disagree and want you to know that my brain is in for a stern talking-to and you can expect a much needed respite from the flood of alcohol of tsunamic proportions in the coming evening.


In other news...

12 more goddamned days of mother-fing Lent.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Idiocy Incarnate.

It occurs to me that as of late I haven't been my surly, mad at the universe self. Maybe I'm a little cowed, but fear not, gentle blog readers - there is one topic lately that's been sticking in my craw. So, here we go.

Crystal Meth.

If there was a more pointless waste of human ingenuity, I don't know what it was. Let's start with what's in this crap:


And depending on your recipe:

Lithium (battery acid)

Red phosphorus (matchbook strips)
Iodine crystals.

Ya cook all this up, and provided you don't blow yourself up, you're left with 6 pounds of toxic waste and a drug that apparently feels like 30 orgasms stacked on top of eachother.

Now, that's a pretty intriguing effect.. but what happens after repeated use? Is it worth it? Well, because your salivary glands shut down you're constantly craving sugar ..your teeth don't just fall out, they disintegrate and sometimes just snap right out of your mouth, and because the residue is so acidic and collects in the back of your nasal cavities, it basically eats your face from the inside out. Oh, and let's not forget the lesions and sores and scratches on your body from trying to get the bugs out of your arms!


I've done a lot of reading about this shit, and it scares the living fuck out of me. I used to date a guy who did it in college. He's goddamned lucky he stopped. Lucky he was even able to.

There are very few substances I don't condone. As far as I'm concerned, you wanna do drugs, do drugs. Who am I to stop you? But I swear by all that is holy in this world that if I ever find out that one of my friends, past or present, is doing this fucking ghetto, white trash, completely classless drug, I will personally fucking punch them in the face.

Well well well

You're feeling fine...
well well well
we'll make you...

So very very strange
many years go by and yet it's a little like none.

The next few weeks should be very interesting in an interesting way.