Thursday, August 30, 2007

So, Yesterday...

I had a little bit of the ennui. The Sad. The "I don't want to go anywhere, do anything, or smile, so stop talking to me."
I feel a little better this morning.
I think it's the approach of Fall.
My mood works in direct proportion to the seasons.
Fall and then Winter.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Mists of Avalon - the film is a giant pile of dogshit.

that is all.

Monday, August 27, 2007

OH! One more thing...

So, Grossman is slowly inching his way out of quarterback time out.
With two really nice touch-down passes, he is showing glimpses of being a really damn talented player.
Now, good news is this. He did deliver at least one of each of his big 3 signature moves.

1. Dropped snap.
2. Interception
and my personal favorite:
3. Throwing to someone who was not expecting to be thrown to.

Which means he's also showing significant signs of consistency.

This is Horrifying.

Now, I don't know how alarmist this column is actually being, but if this is true, something needs to be done.

Stupid Power Outtages.

So, my totally awesome way cool show at Schubas was cancelled Friday.
I'm hoping we get rescheduled.
But, who knows.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Um. Hurricane Anyone?

Large body of water nearby.
70 mile-an-hour winds.
Flash Flooding.
40 ft. trees ripped out of the ground.


I'd say, yes. Yes, that was a Hurricane.

And now, please, enjoy these photos:

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Are You Fucking Kidding Me????

Ok, after this, I'm giving no more time to this story. However, this morning's latest development has me wanting to choke babies and old people at the same time while drowning kittens.
I saw this actual interview on the news this morning and I just about lost my mind.

Um. WHAT????
There is a big Goddamned difference between hunting (a regulated and useful activity) and TORTURING DOMESTICATED ANIMALS!!!

I hope this man gets cancer.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Football's A-Comin'...

With the totally awesome defeat of the Colts, the pre-season Bears have officially made me smile in my mouth and places.
I look forward to this season with great eagerness.

And now this:

Monday, August 20, 2007

Ok, ew.

Watch for this:
Next time you see the new Old Navy commercial about women's jeans.
Check out when they show the one girl's foot with her nasty black nail polish pedicure.
Black nail polish isn't so bad when on a nicely done toenail.
But this woman's toe looks like a fucking Raptor claw and it makes me cry every time I see it.
Feet are bad enough on tv.
Note to Old Navy's creative team. Pay attention to your talents' hygeine.
Fucking gross.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Happy Birthday, Blog!

on August 4th.

I'm sorry...

My blog has absolutely sucked lately.
It's as if the angst and surly (which are still here, just quieter via pen/keyboard) decide to cease donating to the cause of keeping me prolific. In protest. As if to say:
"No. Unless you remain alone, upset, searching, and full of longing, you can expect no help from us, thank you very much."

There you go, B. (Yes, I just called you "B")
Your second mention.

I'm Shaking My Fist in the Air... you, wine. Damn your hide!



Carry on then.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Well, I've Figured it Out.

Why is Jason Lee whoring himself to Hollywood?
Why is he doing films like Underdog and Alvin and the Chimpmunks...both cinematic abortions?

One word my friends.


Quite simply, "My Name is Earl" and the residuals from his other film appearances are not providing him with the funds necessary to supplement the money it costs to be a Scientologist.

So, thank you Scientology. Thank you very fucking much for ruining yet, another artist.

Fuck you.

Fuck you so bad.

Monday, August 06, 2007

More Pictures!


Reflections on Lollapalooza

Well, this weekend was the big fat music festivus for the rest of us known as Lollapalooza.
It was a lot of fun, for the most part, and really, it was just a chance to be outside, drink some beer, and get exposed to some good music.
I can safely say that my youth, officially, has taken its leave.
I am no longer young.
I am no longer tolerant.
I am now "that concert goer" who really wishes the young kids would take their weed and bad manners someplace else. It got to a point where had not cooler heads prevailed, I could very well have gotten into 3 separate fights.
I swear to God. I now realize how fucking annoying I must have been as a younger person; using concerts as nothing more than an opportunity to get high and drink as much as possible, and the music be damned.
Case in point.
Stephen Marley. Whose set, by the way was the highlight of the weekend for me.
I forget very often how much I love reggae.
But anyway, there was a gaggle of a graduating class a few feet from us and they spent the entire time smoking joint after joint, fighting over said joints and concentrating heavily and loudly on participating in the obligatory balloon/beachball surfing. This included a lot of jumping around, crashing into people and an obscene amount of high-fiving. It was retarded.
And all during "No Woman No Cry."
And look, it's a fucking TREAT when Stephen does his father's work. Not only because the Wailers are still sleepwalking through it, but because the man has his own pretty awesome body of work. And yet, he gives us the gift of a rousing "Buffalo Soldier". So, fucking appreciate it, you sons of bitches! (One Love!)

So, then, we go see Spoon. Now, personally, I don't get the draw of this band. They're bland, their showmanship sucks, and honestly, so do their fucking fans. I am absolutely blown away at the lack of basic manners people have. Seriously. I was cut in front of, shoved, and stepped on more times than I can count.
I know..I know. It's a concert. It's what happens. But you know what? I don't have trouble respecting other people's space. The people I hang out with dont have trouble either. So, what it boils down to is pure, unadulterated selfishness and rudeness.
There was a girl who literally grabbed on to my friend's backpack to hoist herself up in the air to scream at the lead singer a request, an I LOVE YOU MARRY ME, and then more unintelligible screaming. To which I responded:
"Excuse me. No. Do not do that again."
Her brilliant Mensa-ian justification:
"Um, it's a SHOW. I PAID to be here."
My response:
"I didn't. And that still doesn't mean you can go around grabbing strangers, so fucking knock it off."
It got to a point where I actually used a cigarette and the issuing smoke to get rid of someone who had wedged himself right in front of where I was standing where there had previously been no room. It worked. I laughed.

By Sunday, I'd pretty much had it with the crowds, the heat, I was pissed at the guy I'm sort of seeing for being like 3 hours late meeting me.
We managed to get a spot right up front for the Wailers. It was a disappointment.
More 17 year olds and their fucking obsession with smoking as much weed as possible.
It made it absolutely impossible for me to enjoy an otherwise mediocre show (see reference above) because every time I started getting a groove on, I had some kid bending over in front of me to toke off a ridiculously huge fucking pipe while almost stepping on my feet. Then some random girl shoved her way into the two inches of space in front of me. It was at that point that I turned to my friend and said,
"That's it. I'm fucking out of here."
So, we retreated to the back of the crowd and went to find the rest of the group.
For all of that, I opted to miss Iggy Pop.
I could just cry about it.

But, anyway, all in all, it was a really great weekend. I got to meet some really cool new people. I got to see G Love and Special Sauce do "Baby's Got Sauce" AND "Cold Beverages" AAAAAND "Why don't We do it in the Road", and just enjoy Grant Park and my beautiful city for 3 days.

One final thought.
I'm thinking of writing to the Lollapalooza booking department because they really did a shit-ass job of booking bands so that one could enjoy all the big acts that were playing. I couldn't see My Morning Jacket because Modest MOuse was playing at the total opposite end of the universe at the exact same time. I didn't go see Iggy Pop because he was playing at the same time The Wailers played. It was altogether very frustrating.

So. Yeah.
I'll post some pictures later.


Friday, August 03, 2007

A Conspiracy

I believe that there is a conspiracy to undermine China as a destination for outsourcing of labor and manufacturing.
Since the War in Iraq, there is a push to bring trade back into Domestic hands.
However, once Big Business starts saving money on cheap labor and substandard production, it doesn't want to go back to spending more. So.
What to do?
Scare the American public into action by demonizing (or being honest with them about what they're actually purchasing) products made in China.
So far:
Fisher-Price Toys.

If the people won't buy the goods from China, Big Business will lose revenue and be forced to find an alternative.

Fun, eh?