We've MOVED! But then we moved back.
Dear Blog Readers,
Well, clearly, I'm just not here much at all anymore. So, I thought a change of scenery might get me in gear. So, I started up a new blog over on Tumblr. I don't like it. It's too new-fangled and all buggered up with other people's shit coming up on my blog. I don't get it. It's like it's flashing 12 over there and I can't figure it out so can you tape Matlock for me tonight?
Things are plugging along. My daughters continue to amaze and horrify me in alternating succession like too many strobe lights in a club.
There are some things that have been chapping my hide since becoming a parent, and I'd really like to start exploring these themes a little more "on the reg" as the kids are saying these days.
That's gonna happen. Hopefully. Soon.