Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Recruiters and Interview Clothes.

Today I venture into the city to meet with a recruiter. I don't have a suit anymore, (I grew out of it)so, as soon as I get done there I have to go shopping for "interview clothes".
I apologize, blog readers for this oh so boring look into the bleak world of unemployment.

Excitement yesterday included:

Purchasing a coffee grinder.

The coffee is delicious.

Monday, April 28, 2008

The First Monday...

Ok, so, remember that scene in Singles where Campbell Scott is staring at his fax machine going "50 Resumes. %0 Resumes. C'mon. Talk to me."?

That's me.

Only my fax machine is my goddamned gmail.

I don't think there are many things worse than trying to find a job. And here's my fear:
That I've only been doing my new awesome worthwhile glamourous kickass job for 2 years and that that means my fucking life is going right back to answering fucking phones.

In other news, I dreamt last night that I was king crab fishing with the guys from Deadliest Catch.

I sucked at it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Angry Hand Of Unemployments

Well, after 4 years, that's the end of me here at my job at Undisclosed Location.
Budget cuts, reallocation of resources, etcetera, etcetera.

Never Fear, However!

I will be back up in no time.

Keep your fingers crossed, dear blog readers.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sorry For Tee Lack Of Prolificicity

I am uninspired of late.
Aside from the spring that is springing. Finally.
Politics are upsetting.
Ben Stein believes in Intelligent Design (why do I kind of too?).
And I draw closer to yet, another birthday and the changing of my age up there in the header.


It was suggested, yesterday, that people take my opinion of movies with a grain of salt—simply because I am not easily won by lazy cinema.
I am a movie snob.

Deal with it.

I am reading an absolutely terrible book. But there are very few books I have started and not finished, so, I'm in this one for the long haul. A nearly 800 page long haul.

Today I am absolutely the most boring person in the universe.




Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Update on the Cougar

Ok, so apparently it's really difficult to tranquilize a cougar.

But here's what...
it would have been nice to have some animal experts to explain these things when it was happening. We have 2 fucking zoos in this city for Christ's sake.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

COPS on Safari!

So, there was a cougar running around the city yesterday until cops gunned it down in Roscoe Village.
No tranq darts, no nets.
Just fucking gunned it down.

There's some woman defending police saying they didn't have time to get the animal control equipment over to where they cornered it and that it lunged at some of the cops. (But, according to her they were in the noeghborhood all day...seems to me they could have put together some kind of humane alternative plan).

So, have it boys, put on your pith helmets and murder it to death.

What's funny is they keep talking about the children in the neighborhood, but from all accounts, this was the most disorganized effort ever with MULTIPLE sprays of gunfire.
The witness states:
"They were firing at it."
Gunfire is ok, but oh my god! The cougar could EAT people. Oh, I see. This is 1412 and Cougars are the new black wolves. Let's grab our torches and pitch forks.

And I was going to post the photo the news can't stop showing us. The photo of the dead cat, but I'm opting for good taste.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Is it me?

Or is all this Maintenance being conducted by American Airlines and United a cover for something else going on?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

To Beijing or Not to Beijing

Well, the man and I were in the car this morning discussing recent events surrounding the Beijing Olympics and China's general assholery when it comes to Tibet. Well, as much as I want to be all "LET'S BOYCOTT", I can't. And here's why.

The Olympic games, fundamentally, have served as the "Great Whip 'Em Out On the Table" for millennia. By it's very nature, it is designed to be the place where nations metaphorically "settle their differences." It's where everyone "Takes it Outside."
In short, by Ancient Greek standards, it could be argued that to boycott the Games means you're too much of a pussy to settle it in the ring, so to speak.

So...while my heart says "What the fuck was the Olympic committee thinking allowing Beijing to host...AND turning a blind eye to what some are calling what happened on March 10 Genocide?"

I have to say, well:

"Take it outside, world, and take some comfort when China gets it's ass handed to it by everyone else. Except in Gymnastics. They always kick ass at gymnastics."

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Hey! I LOVE Being Forced to Quit Smoking.

I always said that I would quit smoking as soon as I got pregnant.

I wish I could say I was.

No. I have to quit because my apartment building is becoming like most everything else in this fucking city...smoke free.

Why? Because the insurance company says so.
Apparently, there are lots of fires being set by cigarette smokers.
In Canada alone nearly 70 people die every year!!!!!!!!!
Apparently it's more in the US, but try getting any real statistics on the fucking internet about it.
Anyway, they're using that new flame retardant paper which makes smoking suck even more now, so there should be a big reduction (early research in New York says it's something like 25-50%).

Here's the deal.
Yes. I need to quit smoking.
But I resent being forced to because of political agenda and pharmaceutical company profit.

And here's what sucks even fucking more. Until they make smoking outright illegal...which they will...even if I BUY a home it's going to have to be a detached house situation. Because you can bet you fucking ass the Condo Associations out there are going to make short work of banning smoking in condominiums as well.

It's not right. It's not just. I have always been a considerate smoker. Always.

July 1.

That's how much time I have.