I always said that I would quit smoking as soon as I got pregnant.
I wish I could say I was.
No. I have to quit because my apartment building is becoming like most everything else in this fucking city...smoke free.
Why? Because the insurance company says so.
Apparently, there are lots of fires being set by cigarette smokers.
In Canada alone nearly 70 people die every year!!!!!!!!!
Apparently it's more in the US, but try getting any real statistics on the fucking internet about it.
Anyway, they're using that new flame retardant paper which makes smoking suck even more now, so there should be a big reduction (early research in New York says it's something like 25-50%).
Here's the deal.
Yes. I need to quit smoking.
But I resent being forced to because of political agenda and pharmaceutical company profit.
And here's what sucks even fucking more. Until they make smoking outright illegal...which they will...even if I BUY a home it's going to have to be a detached house situation. Because you can bet you fucking ass the Condo Associations out there are going to make short work of banning smoking in condominiums as well.
It's not right. It's not just. I have always been a considerate smoker. Always.
July 1.

That's how much time I have.