Monday, November 29, 2004

I Feel so Fat...

Well, another Thanksgiving.

This year holds the record for number of years it's been since I saw someone.

17. That I can even look back 17 years ago and clearly remember is just wrong.

This just in...
I will be at the Beat Kitchen tonight with The Boy watching Pat Mccurdy. If you have not seen this guy, run, don't walk to see him. It's an awesome show.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Once upon a Time

There was a boy. And he was very dumb.

The end.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Yeah yeah yeah


I'm avoiding them. Partly because I can't think of anything to write about aside from a heavy malaise that borders on sadness which gets me worried because I'm not supposed to feel the sad because of the pills. HELLO?

Thanksgiving: Wonderful, warm holiday-or AnxietyAttack waiting to happen?

And it's supposed to snow on Wednesday.

PMS How do I love thee, let me count the ways?
I love the bloating...feeling fat is such a
comfort in these cold winter months!
Sadness...oh to listen to Joni Mitchell 24 hours a day Seven days a week...
My hair won't do what I want it to do? It's time to CRY!
And it's ok to eat 50 pounds of Chocolate and/or 7 Big n' Tasty's.
I'll just walk it off!
I adore hating all people!
My skin is a vast oil field that could in fact
provide natural resources for a third world country!
And the PAIN! Oh sweet sweet abdminal pain that makes
me covet a home epidural!
The need to insert "FUCK" as noun, modifier AND verb into
every sentence.


/end of line.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

A Friend in Need...indeed?

Thank you for being a friend
Travel down the road and back again-
Your heart is true, you're a pal and confidante
and if you threw a party and invited everyone
you knew, you would see the biggest gift would be
from me and the card attached would say
Thank you for being a friend.

This Golden Girls moment inspired by my friends ( and my obsession with Bea Arthur)... My real friends. I know who you are and I'm blessed to have you around.

So, hug a friend today wouldja?

Or call one.
Or email one. or two or three. They're there. We're here.
I'm here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

So then there Was This Time A and I Got Arrested for Curfew...

Picture it. Glenview, IL July 3, 1991. I had just gotten my driver’s license and was fresh off yet another grounding. I was grounded a lot as a child. I tend to believe this was my mother’s desperate attempt to keep my ass out of trouble rather than an effective punishment for any wrong doing. I was always in trouble. Therefore, I was always grounded.

Gilson Park at night in the summer was THE hangout for kids my age, and I had reaped the benefits nicely by snagging a boy one night. We exchanged digits, and a few days later he called and made plans to get together. I decided that I would call my some-time partner in crime, A to accompany me on this adventure. We were going to a party. The boy would be there. I didn’t want to go alone because, well, one didn’t travel alone to strange parties. You called your girls. You went en masse. You had back-up.

So, the party was at 8. Here’s where the problems started. Those of you who’ve known me for a while remember the ridiculous “in by (insert unfuckingreasonable time here)” sanctions levied upon me by my mother. That year, I think I had a 10:30 curfew. Yeah. 2 ½ hours of playtime. That was it. And the party was in Mt. Prospect. A half an hour away. So, all together now… how much time did that actually leave me? ONE AND ONE HALF HOUR. And seriously, the parents involved in this disaster of an evening wonder why I did what I did.

Ok, so we roll in at 8:30. There’s the boy. There’s booze here. Boy+booze = yep, you guessed it… immediate trip to one of the rooms to make out. Again…ONE AND ONE HALF HOUR. That’s all I had. So, you can imagine his dismay, when I announced I had to leave.
“Can you come back later?”
Well, hmmm, hadn’t thought of that… perhaps I could sneak out of the house and come back after my mom had gone to bed… BRILLIANT!
“Yes, after I go and make an appearance back home, we will come back.” (There was no way in hell I was doing this on my own.)

I go and collect A, who I think at this point was chatting it up with some tall guy. We got home at the appointed hour…Amanda was sleeping over, and waited for my mom to get home, so she could go to bed and we could go back out. Well, my mother wasn’t cooperating. She wasn’t coming home at a reasonable hour. As a matter of fact, I don’t think she got home until around midnight and wasn’t going to bed any time soon either. We were screwed.

In order to get to the party, we had to drive. My mother was up and in the front part of the house that overlooked the driveway. Even if we pushed the car into the street before starting it, she’d totally see us. Then came the idea. The idea that would alter the course of that summer forever. I can’t even remember who thought of it… so I’ll blame A.
“Why don’t we take my parent’s car?”

So, we slipped unnoticed out of the house and BOOKED our asses down the street to A’s house. She sneaked inside to get the keys.

I should pause here to point out a couple of things.

1. I was only 16. Curfew in Glenview legally began at something like 11:00. As a minor, my driver’s license was rendered invalid after that time. Which also meant I was no longer insured.
2. A was only 15 at the time with a learners permit.
3. It was now 12:30.
4. This was a bad idea.

We pushed A’s parents’ Dodge Aries station wagon out of the driveway and half way down the block before we got in and started it. So far, so good. We were off.

We drove back to the house where the party was. We knocked on the door. A guy I recognized as one of the boy’s friends answered the door.

“Hey…sorry it took us so long to get back…”
“No problem… but uh, (the boy) went home.”
“I could call him if you want..”
“Yes, do that one thing.”

He calls. No one answers. It’s like 1 in the morning. Dude was drunk when I left. And he was like 17. Undoubtably he was passed out. I was pissed. And disappointed. I had adventure adrenaline coursing through me and nothing to do with the resulting energy. Just then, another really bad idea. This time, from the tall guy.

“HEY! Why don’t we go over there… he’s a pussy, and you guys came all the way back…we’ll go get his ass out of bed.”

Let me pause again.

It’s now 1:30.
These guys are wasted.
I am driving around in a STOLEN AND UNINSURED car.
There was no guarantee the boy would be awake much less let us in to his house.

Did we go?
To quote Robert “Kid Notorious” Evans:

You bet your ass we did.

Off we drove down Euclid. Woo hoo! We’re on our way! Smoking cigarettes…towards more adventure!!! Hey is that a cop behind us? Naw, dude, that’s a ski rack! HEY! I’m gonna throw this GLASS BOTTLE out the window….


“Hello, may I see your license and insurance please?”
A, God bless her heart, tries to cover with ‘oh, this is my parent’s car, and I don’t know where they keep the card..”
I hand over my now worthless license.

The cop chuckles.

“Young lady, it’s after curfew, you’re underage, and you’re under arrest.”

I tried to make up some story about my dad or something (he was living in LA at the time) I don’t know I was delirious with panic.

A was surprisingly calm. She held my hand in the back of one of the 5 squad cars that showed up, and reminded me that I was a student at a prominent Catholic school in Wilmette and that THIS INDIGNITY would not be suffered lightly….or some such bullshit designed to make me not think about the hanging I was facing at home.

It was 3:30 am.

They called our parents.

“Hello, Mr. A? This is the Mount Prospect Police Department. Do you know where your daughter is?”

Assholes! They actually SAY that?

“No, she isn’t sir, she’s here at the station. In Mt. Prospect. Mr. A, do you know where your Dodge Aries is?”


“No, sir, it isn’t. It is also here at the station. In Mt. Prospect. Could you kindly come and collect them?”

I don’t remember what they said to my mother.

I remember her picking me up though. With her boyfriend at the time. At 4 AM. I remember being in the backseat when a Beatles’ song came on and my mom yelling at me for singing along. I remember hearing “You’re grounded for 2 months.” The rest of the summer.
I remember it was a bad bad night.

A, on the other hand got a slap on the wrist. She was free in 2 days. Got yelled at and that was it. And it was HER PARENT'S CAR!!

I suffered 2 weeks (early release for good behavior) of no going out and no phone. It was hell. I think some of my most angsty teen poetry came out of that grounding.

Thank God for my brother and his friends.

And Thank God for Marijuana.

Oh, and no, I never talked to that guy again.

Story of my freakin’ life….

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Notes from an Open Mic

These are the things I jotted down last night...

Stomach in knots-what is this? It hurts.
And I can't find my ponytail holder. What the fuck?
The music he plays is blue and yellow and in green meadows.
So, the Lord of the Rings freaks showed up complete with fake
English accents- Jesus-"Our bones are blackened and our faces are
no more"??? Christ. Go back to the Ren Faire, dudes.
And I made him come to me. You're just as afraid as I.
Amazing how many seemingly Alpha-males write beautiful
and intricate love songs. Hurray for their courage.
Self Indulgent pain.
Look-you have a girlfriend. easy there, Trent.
You are not Elliot Smith no matter
how much you'd like to believe.
Sing something upbeat, something without your
breathy bullshit. You're a nice guy and you're
talented. But God. Enough.
My voice sounded great
My playing needs to be sober.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Hibernation....oh no...

I think people must be related to bears and other hibernating creatures... or maybe it's just me. I'm literally hauling myself out of bed these days. Fucking winter. I believe that work days should be shorter during the winter months. Or at least a place to nap should be provided. I miss my benches outside! My tan is really fading... I could start getting fat again. Oh Jesus. So depressing.

But Christmas is coming. The boy will be home Friday...and here for Thanksgiving. So glad.

I'm feeling...stunted? Or stopped up? Creatively Constipated? Well, at least I can still alliterate.

I feel like I wanna crawl out of my skin. Maybe it's just caffeine. Something is coming. Something big. Maybe it's just November. Scorpio country. Always fucks with me. Can't get away from them either. A new moon in Scorpio.

It makes me feel turned inside out and back in again.

It's enough to get a body in trouble.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Oh Weekends...

OK, first, correction....wasn't blown off, was Pre-empted. Much like a television program during a SPECIAL REPORT.

Wouldn't it be awesome if suddenly the whole world just got their heads out of their asses?
THAT would be awesome.

Also, thanks to Chad for helping nurture the 12 year old boy inside of me with new Underworld Action Figures. I found them sitting on my bed when I got home from the burbs last night and was almost moved to tears.

Thanks man. You're the coolest.

Random acts of kindess kick ass.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Good Morning

Edit: Ok, so mystery solved. Clearly I'M the one with the thin skin...
Thanks Chad, you're a doll.

Got some new material last night at an open mic. I think I have a new Wednesday night activity...

And there are colors that illuminate
the thoughts I think at any given
time. But they run together so
often it's hard to discern which
shades they are or if it's just grey
or green or red
like a colorblind dog sniffing the
ground searching for something
familiar something real something
And so I listen for sounds that point
me North or south or down some path
that will take me somewhere but
fearing not knowing the way.
What if I'm wrong what if I get lost
what if I follow something not like me
some other animal that wishes to
devour me whole?
Will I know the difference?
Will the blue really be blue or will
it be red ? Will it be yellow?
How does anyone know?
Or don't they?
Are they just like me but
ignorant of the choice and
truly colorblind?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Can't Stop Now, it's Bush Country!

Well well well.

Work today is somber. I'm hearing talk of Armageddon, the End of Days, the Apocalypse. Good Lord. Although, I suppose, the Republicans would be saying the same thing if the outcome were different. People, it would be the end of days if NADER wins. Sheesh.


How I Spent My Election Day: By LC Greenwood

Monday night I took the Metra out to my mom's house, as I'm still registered in Glenview. About 20 minutes into an otherwise comfortable ride, accompanied by a new Dar Williams CD I had treated myself to...the train started rocking in a rather alarming way. Well, alarming for me, as I don't regularly ride the Metra. And then it hit me like a jealous husband:
"Holy shit. I am on a passenger train. During Rush Hour the night before the Election. Oh my God it's Madrid all over again! We're all going to die!".

Well, clearly, we didn't, and I made it to my mother's safely.

Now, it's always tradition for me to hook up with my old Glenview buddies (the ones not married with kids), and hit the Glenview House. So, I made a call, got my friend Computer Lawyer Guy on the phone, and made plans to meet up later.

Went home, ate a fantastic dinner, compliments of MOM. Then my DAD, after talking to my mom about the birthday stuff this weekend asks to talk to me.
Dad:"Who are you voting for?"
Me:"I'm not telling you. I've made my decision, and it's my personal private business."
Dad:"You're voting for Bush aren't you?"
Dad: "Well, you're insane...*insert totally unexpected parental political tirade the likes of which I usually only hear from my mom*.
Me:"Ok, well, I'm not changing my mind."
Dad: "Ok, let's change the subject".
And we did.
But damn, that was weird. But not unexpected I suppose, since most of my Liberal loved ones have been jumping on me since the primaries...

My mom and I then decided to watch "Love Actually" which was a perfect choice given the climate of the coming days... After the movie, Computer Lawyer Guy picked me up and off we went to G House. My announcement upon entering the bar:

"It's Monday night in Glenview. Let's get shitcanned!" (I've just finished reading a Janis Joplin biography and it scares me how much this phrase sounds like her...)

I was half kidding, we closed the bar, and the night ended with me making him stop the car in front of a park I used to frequent as a child (where I actually first became friends with Computer Lawyer Guy) and proceeded to take off into the woods to see the old bike trails. I have issues. Then off to his house. Damn you Red Bull. Damn you to hell.

*insert Laura up to no damn good here*

The next day, I woke to face election day. Slowly.
Made some coffee and got dressed to make the trek to the polling place. I went outside to start my car (which has been sitting in stasis in my mother's driveway since July) only to find her dead. No juice. So, back to the house to put another layer on so I can walk, and realize that I have locked myself out of the house. Awesome. Now, for those that know the house in Glenview, you know there's ALWAYS a way in. And there was. It involved some fence hopping, some shoe removal, balcony climbing etc, but I made it inside.

Ok, so, grabbed the keys, a sweater, my walkman, and started the walk to the polling place in Valley Lo. There was something noble about WALKING to cast my vote. Like I was some suffragette (sic) exercising my DAMN RIGHT TO DAMN VOTE! Yeah, that was cool until about 10 minutes before getting there my mom pulled up and drove me the rest of the way.

We voted together. I gave the old ladies a hard time about numbering our sheets wrong. I think I freaked 'em out. It was a true mother/daughter bonding moment.

And then it was back to the house where I proceeded to almost kill myself with the new vacuum and then ended up breaking it rolling over a bolt in the middle of the carpet. Yeah. A bolt. I don't know either.

Two illegally burned CD's later (one a compilation of all my favorite early 90's power ballads I've named "Big Hair, Big Ballads), I was back on the L on my home bearing 50 pounds of leftover Halloween candy.

The End.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Nothing in Particular and Everything

I saw Laurel Canyon yesterday. Everything was awesome until the retarded ending. I welcome any comments to explain to me what the fuck it was all supposed to mean. In a lot of ways it reminded me of "Sirens" in that two straightlaced people are immersed in a rather hedonistic environment, and we see their transformation. But at least at the end of Sirens, we get a sense of what's going to happen to them after they go back to their lives. Laurel Canyon? Dude hangs up the phone and sinks under the water of the swimming pool and then we get a shot of the surface of the water (a very "look what I can do" shot courtesy of the DP. Thanks dude) and then black and credits. What the fuck? It was way too interesting of a film to end like that. I hate that shit.

My nephew is becoming a person. My brother told me that not only is he climbing out of his crib now, but he is going into their bedroom (with his stuffed dog under arm) and moving the step stool next to the bed and climbing in to sleep with them. I've known this child for two years now, and to actually experience him growing up is such a trip. I'm watching him learn to be a person. He has art work tacked to the wall. He can operate his trainset (the Thomas magnet train series) to perfection and knows exactly how to fix a derailing-not forgetting to exclaim "OH NO!" in a very dramatic way. In order to hug him, you have to kneel down and let him run at you and jump in your arms. He's incredible.

It's a good friend's birthday today. Happy Birthday!


P.S. Get out there and vote tomorrow. It's a privilege we have that a lot of people die to defend, so, try not to take it for granted.