Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh my GOD!


I move tonight and tomorrow. Camp SurlySneed is closing its doors.
I need to come up with a new name for my place.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Ah... Current Events

How could I have forgotten the wealth of material to be gleaned from you!

The latest:
Kids are using ipods and cell phones to cheat on tests.

Um, ok. Well. In my day (insert "very old me" shaking my fist) we weren't allowed to have calculator wrist watches in class much less tote around a walkman (that's what they called "media players" for you damn kids and your sugar drinks and complicated haircuts). I mean, really. Who fell asleep at the wheel on this one?
"kids have found a new way to cheat on tests!"
No shit. REALLY???

And goddamnit. I had something else to talk about and now I can't goddamn remember.

Well, I'll go with this:
They released some of the text from that kid's essay. Not the WHOLE THING, mind you, because God Forbid we actually get to see stuff in context, but there were some alarming things in the essay. Again, should he have been arrested? Fuck no. And actually, good for him for writing down what was in his head. Hey, maybe it was a cry for help. That cry doesn't need to include the cops.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Here's the article

..about the student who was arrested. This happened in the Chicago-Land area people.
Good lord.,CST-NWS-essay26.article

I understand (especially in light of what I said before, regarding when to get involved and when not to..) how important it is for teachers to stay vigilant and to help create and maintain a safe space for their students...but COME ON. Couldn't a counselor have been called? Did the police REALLY need to be involved yet? If that's how we are going to handle emotionally disturbed people (if that is, in fact, what this student was) we may as well go all-in and bring the Thought Police out into the open where they belong.

For fuck's sake.

This is EXACTLY why there is such a stigma around people with psychological issues. Cops get called and suddenly someone who may be mildly depressed is now a dangerous criminal and that stigma gets tacked on to the rest of us by the rubes who make up the majority of this country.

I've had it.

Here are the Latest Inappropriate Responses to Virginia

Yale, one of the most prestigious Theatre Departments in the World, has banned realistic looking weapons in stage productions.

And, a student, who just so happened to be Asian, was charged with disorderly conduct for an essay he wrote for a creative writing class. Yup. The teacher was SO DISTURBED that she reported him. And rather than maybe, say, REACH OUT to the child, they fucking call the cops and have him arrested.

How I love The United States and its all or fucking nothing style of dealing with crisis.

I wrote a play in high school about a girl who kills a guy because she cheated on her boyfriend with him and became dellusional about the threat the other boy presented. Maybe I should have been arrested. Or, no, wait, maybe my creative writing teacher kinda knew who I was and while maybe he did talk to my guidance couselsor (I don't know, I was never tapped about it), kinda figured that I was probably just stretching my writing legs into less vanilla territory. Apparently, today, I'd be carted off to jail...oh wait..I'm not Asian.

I've got to get out of this country.


Enough, then.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


"I'm bored!" She said today, to no one in particular.
The smell of spring, when not assaulting her allergies, is buzzing through her tapping her feet.
"I know I'm supposed to be LEARNING something with each experience but when are the lessons over? When does the practical application begin? It's all THEORY!"
Maddening to stare at the clear waters of a freshly cleaned swimming pool and not be able to jump in. We'll just READ about the swimming. We'll TALK about the effects of bleachy chlorine on our hair and skin. We'll practice holding our breath.


Monday, April 23, 2007


I want someone to look forward to.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Are We Breeding to Be Lonely?

Ok, so last night I was at a buddy's place recording and we got to talking about the whole Virginia Tech awfulness. And I came to a chilling hypothesis.
What if we are moving towards a society that is so individuality-driven that the Community is rendered obsolete?
We've been hearing a lot about how bat-shit crazy this guy was. And how many red flags went up around him. And there is a profound sense of "Why didn't anyone catch this?"
Well, how many times a day do we hear and say things like:
"It's none of my business."
"That doesn't concern me."
"What can I do about it?"
"I stay out of other people's kitchens."

Two stories:
1. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away (in college), I used to hang out at the beach (See The Curfew Story). Anyway, one night I was walking through the parking lot to meet my friends when I saw a group of girls circled up around one girl in particular. She was being screamed at and slapped and pushed. She was wearing glasses. She was crying. I slowed to assess the situation and how and why I should get involved. The group ended up letting her go and heading back down toward the beach. The girl walked in the opposite direction. I approached her. I didn't know what else to do, so I offered her a ride home. She refused and, still crying, took off.
I was furious. I HATE that shit. I HATE when asshole groups of people pick on people weaker than them. I started feeling all kinds of repressed rage from my gradeschool days. (These girls were younger. Early high school.)
I made a decision.
I marched down to the beach and sought out my two security guard friends. Yes, that's right. I had friends in high places.
I pointed the chicks out, told the guys what happened, and the girls were kicked off the beach.
That's all I wanted. I didn't want anyone to know it was me who did the reporting, I just wanted the garbage taken out.
Well, someone from their apparently VERY LARGE network of hoodlums saw me do it. And by hoodlums, I mean a whooooole group of kids who were students at this high school for wayward kids. And no, I'm not kidding.
Aaaaaaaand that began a summer-long feud that culminated with me getting a cigarette put out on my leg and all of my friends getting jumped while I escaped unaware, and unscathed.
The damage:
I think at least two of my friends got maced.
My friend's car window was kicked in.
Amanda got a face full of glass and I think was punched in the face at one point.
I was called and went back to the Police Department to pick them up.
They weren't pleased. To them, while what I had done was noble, it created WAY more problems than necessary.
It didn't help that I kept going back to the beach, even though cooler heads encouraged me to stay away for a while. I was too proud to give up my hang out.
But, the point is, I helped someone, and it turned out badly. So, learned to keep my nose out of shit that doesn't concern me.

2. A shorter story...but I was at a park one day with my boyfriend at the time, and I saw a group of Hispanic people and their children. One of those children, a little 2 year old, had a back COVERED in bruises. I wanted to do something. But my friends urged me not to. Saying things like "It's none of your business." "You don't know the whole story." "You could cause more trouble than necessary."
So, I left it alone. I thought "Maybe they're right. And besides, am I just jumping to conclusions because they're Hispanic? What kind of person does that make me?"
I still think about that little girl all the time.
But, it was none of my business, right?

So, here we have our buddy Cho. Clearly out of his mind crazy. Teased. Made fun of. Whatever. So were we all.
What's the answer? Do we get more involved? Or is the "mind your own backyard" mentality too strong?
How many of us know our neighbors?
I know I don't. I don't make an effort to either. I keep to myself in the big city.
Maybe it's just me.
But I do know that I see an awful lot of us out there tuned out under headphones—be-bopping our way through the world with barely a glance next to us on the bus.
Again, though, maybe that's just me.
But is there a push towards a more isolationist socialization?
Could be.
Could be why the divorce rate is so high. Maybe we're getting intolerant of other people in our space for extended periods of time. Maybe we're un-learning how to interact with each other in a constructive way.
Also...consider this:
When was the last big, nationwide movement since the 60's?
Interesting, if you think about it. Do you think the powers-that-be want another '68 Democratic National Convention where a bunch of "dirty hippies" invaded and started rioting and throwing furniture out windows?
Not only that, but it just seems as though in the face of consumerism and immediate gratification, most people can't be bothered to look outside of their limited sphere of existence.
But why? What happened?
Or is it something more calculated to keep us from a feeling of community and togetherness that renders us incapable of really rising up and affecting real change?
But the fact is, this kid was/is a terrorist. And we have to wake up to that. Terrorism in our own country. Not based in religion per se, but race, class, status.
And what are we going to do about it? Because guess what?
This time, it IS our problem. It IS our business. It IS in our own backyard.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Day After...

a smooch. Is there anything more maddening? More idiot-behavior-inducing?
For real. THIS is why I wish it was possible to skip over the goddamned bullshit of the beginning stages of dating and just go right to relationship. That way, we can avoid this:

"Ok, I'm not going to text message him until he texts me."
"Why hasn't he answered my text message?"
"Should I send him a breezy text message asking about the previous 2 text messages? Like, 'Hey, my cellphone has been weird all day. Don't know if what i sent earlier came'"
"Ok, i just have to not think about it. I have to get to a 'I don't care if he text messages me' place."
"He STILL hasn't answered. What the fuck?"

Sigh. I am not a good dater.

Monday, April 16, 2007

International Rockstar...

Ah Germany...

So, right after the start of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, mom and I got word that the Boy would be shipping out end of April, beginning of May. So, we began preparations for our EMERGENCY MISSION to Frankfurt, Germany, specifically Friedberg Hess, site of Ray Barracks, where the Boy was stationed.
2 plane tickets and 1 expedited passport later, we were off.

The trip itself is hazy in my mind as we were only there 5 days and 2 1/2 of those I spent in a haze of retarded jetlag. But, when it finally wore off, I was able to enjoy a couple nights that I won't soon forget.

Maria was The Boy's German Girlfriend. She was from Berlin and had a gypsy look about her. She was small and dark. It made my dark coloring make a little more sense to me. We went to a few bars in Frankfurt and ended up at an Irish place right across from the Hauptbahnhof (train station).

It was a pretty big bar. At that time I was drinking Irish Car Bombs like it was my job. But I learned quickly that it is not polite to refer to them as such over there. So, just "Car Bomb". Also...they don't make them with Jameison. You have to ask for that special. Alright, so, I get a bug up my ass to play some pool. So we make our way to the pool room where there are a bunch of guys in various stages of games. I, fresh off 2 Car Bombs, call out from a warm fuzzy Guinesss-y place:
"Does anyone here speak English??"
I should pause here. At this point in the war, the statue of Saddam had come down. The day prior to be exact. While the Germans weren't our biggest fans at the time, the rest of the world still pretty much loved us. And being that this bar was across from the main trian station, the concentration of Germans to "Other Europeans" was pretty skewed in my favor.
"Does anyone here speak English????"
"I DO!!!" Yells a distinctly American sounding male voice.
"Where are you from?" an increasingly louder me exclaims.
And the "We are Awesome and American" party continued for about 3 seconds until a distinctly BRITISH voice cut in.
"Well, it still remains to be seen whether what you people speak really is indeed 'English'".
Whereupon I turned still embracing my new American friend and retorted in my WORST British accent:
"Well, we don't speak THE QUEEN'S English, but we won the war, so, it doesn't matter now, does it?"
Amidst a chorus of the British equivalents of "OH SNAP", I had found new friends from foreign shores.
And so we played pool.
And then I met him.
Sam. Samwise...
He was absolutely adorably British. We hit it off immediately...and the phrase "I think I quite fancy you" actually came out of his mouth. My reply could only be:
"You FANCY me? How incredibly Jane Austen of you."
But I was positively smitten.
He kept asking me how to get me away from my "chaperone".
Maria was responsible for me. My brother had been texting her all night to make sure we were ok. They all wanted to go to another bar. (In a very bad part of town it turns out. The Boy was not happy, citing that the American GI's were not even allowed in that part of town and people get stabbed there and so on...) And I wanted to go too. Maria was very cool and agreed that we could go.
Into a cab and off we went. With my new British boyfriend in tow.
So, how does one steal a moment with someone you know you may never ever see again?
She tells him upon arrival at said bar to meet her in the ladies loo.

The good news is, I got to see him the next night and he was just as cute sober as he was under the veil of hugs from many Guinnesses. And we sat for about 4 hours and talked. He was just lovely. At one point he said to me
"It's a shame you have to leave tomorrow. I could get used to having you around."
A line to be sure, I know. But when you're in Germany with a cute Brit and it's your last night and he's about to be cruelly snatched from you by the cruel hands of cruel's all terribly, cruelly romantic. (Thanks Andy)
So, I went home the next day.
And we still email eachother every now and again.
And he will always have a very special place in my heart.

Le sigh.

Friday, April 13, 2007


I have to apologize. Lately this blog has just plain sucked. For two years you, blog readers, have been on this journey with me and in the last 6 months I've had very little to say that "interesting" could even whisper at.

So... on with the banality.

I'm listening to the Beta Band right now. This is a band I should have been listening to years ago. This phenomenon is not new. I make these huge claims that music is vital in my life and yet my library is extremely lacking in what I absolutely should be listening to. I think it's mostly because I binge on artists. For the past year I've had the Stars and Andrew Bird on HEAVY rotation. I gotta shake things up this summer.

And the most important news of all...

The Boy comes home tonight.
After 5 long years, he is officially on Inactive Duty and he gets to have his life back!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bingo...the Musical. And Here Come the Plagues.


At the Apollo Goddamned Theatre.

That's right. A show about Bingo.
Just watched the horror on WGN news this morning.
There's even a song that explains how to play Bingo!

I'm sorry. Between this weather and now shows about the most depressing past-time on the planet...
There's just very little hope, is there?

And don't forget....this May...The Bible throws up all over the midwest.
The cicadas are coming.
Last time these little sons of bitches came out I was 15 years old. Man. I am SO OLD!
Look forward to large bugs everywhere and a constant high pitch whine for about 6 weeks.
It's gonna be awesome.
Be sure to watch Magnolia for added plague-like fun.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Cold or Allergies?

Seriously. This time of year it's nearly impossible to tell. Without a real nasty wet cough, I tend to think allergies, however, periodic hot-flashes lead me to believe otherwise.
And right before Easter.
I know EXACTLY what my mother is going to say.
"You're sick AGAIN? What is the MATTER with you? You are ALWAYS sick. You're not taking care of yourself."
And then she'll pause and realize
"And again with the holidays! You are either sick or on your period on the holidays. Jeeeeeeeeez!"

In other news, I had called for email silence with the ex. That lasted—2 days. It's pathetic really. But, to my credit, I no longer feel the angsty pull I once did. Now it's more of an attempt to compartmentalize my feelings for him into a DIFFERENT compartment altogether. And more bad memories continue to rear their ugly head, so I think I'm going to be ok.
I do know that of late, save time spent sick, I have been feeling more confident about things. Myself. Love. But not my hair. It needs badly to be cut.

There are not many worse things than not having proper tissue and having to blow one's nose with cheap work-supplied paper towel.
My nose hates me.
So bad.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

For Christ's Sake

Is there anyone Rosie O'Donnell DOESN'T piss off on a daily basis?
I don't think there's one person I've wanted to see go away more...except perhaps Tom Cruise.
And honestly, ever since I saw her hanging upside down on the View from some harness thing designed to help depression, I turned in my chips on the fact that she has, indeed, lost her goddamned mind.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Why The Shins are My Heroes:

Gone For Good

Untie me, I've said no vows
The train is getting way too loud
I gotta leave here my girl
Get on with my lonely life

Just leave the ring on the rail
For the wheels to nullify

Until this turn in my head
I let you stay and you paid no rent
I spent twelve long months on the lam

That's enough sitting on the fence
For the fear of breaking dams

I find a fatal flaw
In the logic of love
And go out of my head

You love a sinking stone
That'll never elope
So get used to the lonesome
Girl, you must atone some
Don't leave me no phone number there

It took me all of a year
To put the poison pill to your ear
But now I stand on honest ground, on honest ground

You want to fight for this love
But honey you cannot wrestle a dove
So baby it's clear

You want to jump and dance
But you sat on your hands
And lost your only chance

Go back to your hometown
Get your feet on the ground
And stop floating around

I find a fatal flaw
In the logic of love
And go out of my head

You love a sinking stone
That'll never elope
So get used to used to the lonesome
Girl, you must atone some
Don't leave me no phone number there

Monday, April 02, 2007

Damn Live Theatre TV Commmericals...

For real. Is ANYONE enticed to the theater by these horrible television ads?
Protip: I don't care HOW famous your headliner is. They are going to look as though they're appearing in some one-horse community theater production of Our Town.

Case in point.
The new revival of Edward Albee's classic "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf?" Originally starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton...on FILM, this film details the crumbling farce of a marriage between two people who then force another couple (and the audience) to participate in whatever revenge fantasies (keyword fantasies) the two of them cook up at any given moment.

This new production stars Kathleen "Put your goddamned clothes back on" Turner and... some other guy. Turner has put on some extra weight, and her voice continues it's journey into Satan's asshole.
The line they choose to highlight:
"If you existed (pause pause pause for timing and setting up the joke) I'd divorce you. (insert knowing look at him that says "Go ahead, audience, you cna laugh because I, and strong women abusing their husbands, am hi-larious. And yes, you are watching Kathleen Turner on stage in Chicago you lucky sons of bitches."
Honestly. It makes me fucking cringe EVERY time I see it.
And don't even get me started on the shrieking that goes on during the Wicked ads these days. At least those, while annoying, stayed away from actual stage footage...for a while. Now we're on to the fucking Defying Gravity song...which, by the way, is the only goddamned good song in that whole show.

Point in short:
Live theatre footage looks like ass on tv. I'd be really curious to see what the numbers are on ticket sales after one of these abominations airs. Cuz maybe I'm wrong. But as soon as I see one of those things here's my feedback:
"Well, there's a show I WON'T be seeing,"

Happy Monday!!