Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So, I've been out of work since right after Labor Day. I was working at a pretty well-known marketing agency that decided (correctly) that rather than lay off their actual employees, they would release all of their freelance workers. ALL of them. That's a lot of workers looking for...work.

Anyhoo, now the economy is going super-nova.
And Washington chooses NOW to listen to the idiots in their districts who are bitching about "having to bail out" the assholes that got us into this.
Look, like it or not, this is the reality. Without this bailout, the economy will come grinding to a halt. We're looking at Depression. Dust Bowl. Turtles up-ended on highways while a loner hitches a ride on a running board.
So, yeah, it's unfair. But personally, I'd rather not live in a box car while waiting for work at an orchard.

Call my inegrity compromised, but we're not gonna solve this problem with hopes and dreams.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Don't Give a Shit if Short Hair is IN this Season.

Goddamnit. I hate hate HATE it when stylists start spouting off about short hair trends without talking about face shape and its direct proportion to how much shit you will look like if it's not the RIGHT shape.

NEWSFLASH: Short hair doesn't look good on everyone. It just doesn't. I don't give a flying fuck if Katie "Invasion of the Bodysnatchers" Holmes has a playful new bob this year. If you don't have the right face for it, you're going to look like an asshole.

That is all.

Monday, September 22, 2008

When I'm Drunk, I'm Brilliant

Check it.

I figured it out. After about a case of Miller Lite and a heated debate with my future Italian In-Laws, I had a brainwave. An epiphany. And then I burped. But what came out with that belch was nothing short of absolutely the smartest thing EVER.

I figured out why there will never be an end to racism, a resolution to the abortion issue, or closure on Gay marriage.

People, Americans especially, are Guilt Fetishists.

That's right.

Americans get off on feeling guilty about something. They love anything verboten, because once they give in to the temptation, they can sit in their little worlds and wring their hands, and tie themselves up in knots over how sinful they are. So as long as racism exists, abortion is considered "baby murder", and Gay people are still thought of as "Satan's Little Helpers", people can continue to mea culpa all over the place. And that's hot.

Activists aren't activists because they want injustices to end. They activate because they want to point out that there are still people who consider certain things "wrong" so there's somebody out there who disapproves and therefore, something to feel guilty about.

Get it?

Goddamnit, This sounded so much better when I was half in the bag.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My Cat- June 1995-September 12, 2008

He was an amazing animal.
He will be missed.
I don't wish that decision on anyone.
It was fucking horrible.

Safe journey to Summerland, my little Bat-Bear.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

My Jeans are Wet.

I actually felt as though the sky was taunting me this morning as I walked hurriedly from the bus to the office. I was Umbrellicus Withoutus and the windbreaker I use as a substitute has a limited saturation threshold. When it was finally breached, it felt as though the drops of rain became heavier and more insistent, causing me to look up at the sky and say aloud,